Mage Tower

Home of the Dark Magi

Orb Room within Xentall Tower

High atop the columns of Doomcloud Keep overlooking the sinister lands, a great gathering takes place. Those of the Dark Arts come from the farthest reaches of DC to practice and further their arts. Great libraries and study halls are housed within the seemingly endless stairways. As you begin the journey up the steps you are confronted with a door that has no handle. Scratching your head, you wonder what lies ahead.

Welcome to Evil Uprising�s Mage Tower. It is here that you will find all you need to know about the Mages and Sorcerers of the clan.

Mages of Evil Uprising Structure

Illusionists Necromancers Summoners Druids Scribe
(Emin Trond) (Pending a Poor Soul) (Pending a Poor Soul) (Morgan Lafey) (Aravin)

Descriptions of Classes

The Druids
These are the magic casters who are associated with nature and it�s creatures. They have mastered the Art of manipulating the many energies that flow from the earth. Capable of twisting the very fabric of substances they are a powerful addition to our forces.

The Summoners
Calling upon forces of unknown origin these powerful casters have unlimited resources. Using the Art of portal knowledge, they summon energies, creatures, and magical attacks from mysterious gates in the fabric of reality.

Masters of deception in its many forms these shadowy figures use their powers to corrupt. Able to utilize the Art of the mind, they can surpass the naked eye. Bringing upon adventurer�s worst nightmares they can cause great harm.

Evil to the core these twisted individuals control the many aspects of the flesh. Controlling the Art of the body they can inflict pain and anguish on unsuspecting victims. Able to torture and heal they are invaluable to the uprising.

As this is the class of apprentice magi and bookbinders they carry out the menial tasks of the Tower. Keeping the libraries updated and writing the many scrolls for the Uprising. They are the woodwork of the Mage class, and most of the Uprising.

�Magicians Ranking System�
Peon shall replace the rank of Peasant
Minion shall replace the rank of Knight
Scribe shall replace the rank of Baron
Adept shall replace the rank of Count
Enchanter shall replace the rank of Viscount
Practitioner shall replace the rank of Marquis
Conjurer shall replace the rank of Earl
Sorcerer shall replace the rank of Duke
Warlock shall replace the rank of Prince
Mage shall replace the rank of Regent

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