Tsuyoshi talks about Yuji's hairstyle -

" When seeing the script, i think 'short hair is more suitable'. But if I just simply trim my hair it would look similar to 'Ryu' in 'Ao no Jidai' so after discussing with the staff. We decided to change the hair color. "

Ryu                      Yuji


Kyoko talks about Tsuyoshi -

" I feel that Tsuyoshi and Yuji are both mysteries person. 'Yuji don't really talk much, what about Tsuyoshi?' I'm Tsuyoshi's junior, we studied in the same school. Before that I even help a teacher to pass a message to him (laugh). Tsuyoshi plays guitar, isn't it? Although I play piano but I hope he will teach me guitar. If there's a chance, I also hope that he will teach me how to use guitar to compose music. "



- Tsuyoshi talks about Yuji -

" Yuji has someone in mind who is elder than him, but she is attached. He wanted to give up, but every time when seeing her, he could not control his feeling. I have this experience too. "

- Hidekazu talks about Tsuyoshi -

" He looks more like a boxer than me who used to play boxing. When acting he is very cool, When practicing, he is very serious. "



- Tsuyoshi talks about Tohko -

" Tohko is a young girl who likes Yuji. In real life, I don't think I have any female good friend who is younger than me. So I don't have this kind of training before (laugh). I may feel shy with Tohko. I imagine her a dog following behind me to act (laugh). Because I own Kenshiro, I'm more confident with the way I interact with it. "


Komatsu, Script Writer -

" Once I know that I'm writing a script for Tsuyoshi and Kyoko I know that it will not be anything other than a love story. Because now they are both famous so I'm thinking of relating the story to what's happening now. I heard some student discussing about the end of the world, and they are hoping to do what they like just before the end of the world. So I'm thinking that 'a girl who wish to fall in love before she dies' would be suitable for the year 1999. "
She is also the script writer of Tsuyoshi's drama -Wakaba no Koro, Ao no Jidai & Summer Snow



- Tsuyoshi talks about Kyoko -

" Kyoko and me didn't really talk. But I did teach her guitar. She knows how to compose music using piano, telling me 'I also want to play guitar' so I taught her what I'd learnt from Shigeru (Tokio) and Tomoya (Tokio). "


- Kyoko's recipe for Yuji -


- Tsuyoshi talking about To Heart During concert in Taiwan -

" Because 'To Heart' this drama is quite popular in Taiwan, so when we are singing To Heart, everyone is very excited and a lot them fainted. I'm shocked. Although I'm glad that everyone is so excited till this extend, I hope that they will take care of themselves. "
- Kyoko's handphone accessory -


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