Past Versions

  1. My First Website version had a Card Captor Sakura Version with a Kinomoto Sakura wallpaper done by some one else which I had gotten some where I the net. That stayed quite long because I did not update for a long time XD and at that time the address was www.geocities.rei_takeshi. My old email was from my first website which was lousily done because I had no experience.
  2. The second one was a Haou Ai Ren version which too, had a wallpaper from somewhere else. It too stayed quite long because I personally think it was quite nice.
  3. The third version was a Mana-sama version. It didn't stay long because it didn't looked nice. XD
  4. One of the more recent ones. Miyavi!! Umm this one stayed for like a few week before I got bored and did another wallpaper, which was a hide-sama one, for the website. But rest assured Miyavi will come back again. XD cos actually I did a another Miyavi wallpaper too but could not do the buttons for the navigation.
  5. The present version is hide-sama. XD should be staying for quite some time cos i like it. haha
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