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Chi and Phi's Garden

*Question to Ponder about Chi and Phi*
1. Where do they get such bouncy hair?
2. How long is their hair when it's down?
3. Do they ever have bad-hair days?
4. Do they ever argue with each other?
5. What would happen if they met Xena?
6. Are they homosapiens or another species?
7. Is the name of their planets the same as their senshi name?
8. What are the names they go by?
9. What were their lives like?
10. Were they ever "good?"
11. Had the planetary senshi ever met with Chi and Phi during the Silver Millennium and not remembered it?
12. What are their favorite pasttimes?
13. Which twin is the older one?
14. What are they REALLY like?
15. Why didn't Sailormoon try to save them, too?
16. How tall are they?
17. When are their birthdays?

*Some Guest Ponderings*
And some ponderings straight from the Fox's mouth (Pewter Fox):
1. Why am I not as evil as them?
2. Why does Galaxia like them better?
3. Why isn't MY hair as shiny as theirs?
4. Why don't I have a shrine dedicated to ME?
5. Why green and red... why not PINK and BLUE??
6. Where were they when Beryl decided to run a-muck?
7. Were they ever princesses like ME?
8. Why does anyone care about them?
9. What kind of music do they listen to?
10. Why do they need those ever-so-fashionable bracelets to stay alive? I think that it's all just a trick to look prettier than ME.
11. Why don't I shut up?

And a ponder from Sailorultimate:
12. How come they were never shown in the anime? (that goes for Heavy Metal and the Desert River Senshi too)
If you have anything you ponder, send it our way!!!
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