Sailor Fire Bird
Name: Gemma Timtory
Planet: Mars
Age: 17
Birthdate: 3rd August
Language: Australian
Star Sign: Leo
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Brown
Hobbie: Reading, Eating
Fear: An Apocalypse
Likes: Food
Best Friend: Marvel and Solitaire
Info: She is the smartest in her class and is popular amoungst everyone. Though she can show off some times. She is from the future where she is Sailor Mars' Granddaughter.
Sailor Marvel
Name: Delila Drimerse
Planet: Venus
Age: 17
Birthdate: 5th November
Language: Australian
Star Sign: Scorpio
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Hobbie: Dancing
Fear: Slipping on stage
Likes: Ballet
Best Friend: Firebird and Solitaire
Info: She is a champion dancer in her school in Australia. She is also from the future and is related to Sailor Venus. She is the quickest of the three of them but clumsy.
Sailor Solitaire
Name: Cathrine Myers
Planet: Jupiter
Age: 17
Birthdate: 18th July
Language: Australian
Star Sign: Cancer
Hair Colour: Mahogony Brown
Eye Colour: Yellow
Hobbie: Playing Card Games
Fear: Loosing her title of Solitaire Queen.
Likes: Cards
Best Friend: Firebird and Marvel
Info: She is the best in the country at all card games but her favourite is obviously Solitaire as she won the title of Solitaire Queen of Australia. She is the stratagy thinker of the group and is always tricking her enemies. She is related to Sailor Jupiter.
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