Full Moon Wo Sagashite
Creator- Arina Tamemura

Manga- 3 Volumes (so far)

Anime- 52 episodes + 1 TV Special
    Kouyama Mitsuki dreams of becoming a famous singing idol. She wishes to become a singer to attract the attention of her first love, Sakurai Eichi, who livs in America. But Mitsuki's dream is halted by the tumor she has in her throat, making it impossible to sing or raise her voice. She gives up all hope to realize her dream when suddenly, she sees two figures suddenly pop out of the poster on her wall! Takuto and Meroko are shinigami (gods of death in Japanese fiction), calling themselves Negi-Ramen. They accidently reveal to Mitsuki that she's going to die in exactly one year due to her throat cancer. Instead of breaking down, this gives Mitsuki the determination to become a singer and find Eichi, before her time is up. However, 12 year olds aren't allowed to audition. Takuto decides to help Mitsuki and giver her a drop of his blood, enabling her to transform into a 16 year old version of herself.

     To Mitsuki's surprise, she wins the audition and starts her career as the pop idol, Full Moon! With Takuto and Meroko at her side, can Mitsuki use her voice to call her true love to her side? And will Eichi still love her, just as he did 2 years ago?
Full Moon Wo Sagashite has shot WAAAY up on my favorite anime lists within the first few episodes. With adorable and unforgettable characters, awesome songs, and non-stop fun, Full Moon is guranteed to please an Shoujo fan. This series isn't for everyone though. I can easily see guys not taking a liking but I say you give it a try anyway. And don't forget, if you're watching this series, make sure you have a box of tissues handy-you'll be needing them!.

Full Moon isn't licenced yet. The anime series just ended in March with 52 episodes. There are 3 volumes of the manga, but I'm not sure if that's where it'll end or not. Arina-chan is also the creator of Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. I haven't seen that yet but after seeing this series, I plan on it soon.
Takuto from Full Moon
I plan on having more pics and info up soon so check back!
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