Marmalade Boy
Creator: Yoshimizu Wataru

Genre: Romance/Comedy

Episodes: 76 and one 15 minute movie
Miki Koishikawa always knew her parents were a bit strange, but they've really manage to prove just how insane they really are! After coming back from their Hawaii trip, they announce that they're going to divorce and swap partners with another couple they met, the Matsuuras. And, they've all decided to rent a huge house and live together. Just when things couldn't get any more confusing for Miki, she meets the Matsuuras son, Yuu. Though she finds him teasingly rude at first, she can't help herself from slowly falling in love with him. That itself has to be complicated when her old crush, Ginta, reveals that he has love her for a long time and wants her to be with him instead of Yuu. Not to mention that Arima, Yuu's old flame wants to get Yuu back for herself. Can Miki and Yuu find whom they are looking for, each other or somebody else?
I'm a pretty new fan of Marmalade Boy myself.
Luckily, I had the whole series that I could watch straight through because this one was hard to put down and have to wait month to month. If you're looking for a romantic comedy, look no further than this. There are so many love triangles and squares that you might end up keeping a diary yourself just to keep up with them all. This is just one of those shows that helps prove that true love can't be defeated by anything or anyone (or two, or three..)
At the present time, most of the series is only avaliable through fansubs or bootlegs. The bootlegged DVDs are just starting to come out and are at Discount Anime DVD, a great shop for bootlegged DVDs at great prices. Dun forget to visit my
links page for address to great anime shops or check out my own shop for the VHS versions of Marmalade Boy!
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