Amelia would like to proudly present
At the Top of the Anime World!
New here at Yume Otaku, Princess Amelia of Seiyruun wanted to help bring around the top hitters of the anime world (mainly the justice yielding ones of course!) Please show her some gratitude and give some feedback to section. She wants to hear from you so she can be the best host she can- because to be a bad one would obstuct the name of all justice!  What should you say? Mainly what you would like to see appear in the top anime lists or if you have an idea for a new list. You can email Amelia through me [email protected].
Hey all! Amelia here and I'm sooo happy to be here! I tried to get Mr.Zelgadis to come with me but I guess he's shy. He has a bit of a problem with dry skin hehe! Anyway, I have a job to do and to serve the friends of justice, I'll do the best I can! So why not get started, shall we? I'll try and get new lists loaded quickly and plus note one thing, there is no order in the lists themselves! For example, I'm not going to proclaim a certain character #1 overall, I'll just list the best in random order. And until I get some feedback, all lists are according to my opinions. So if you think someone should be added that isn't there, please let me know and I'll add your opinion right away!
Well, shall we get started then? ^.^
Anime's Cutest Couples / 2
Anime's Coolest Villians
Anime's Best Songs
Kouda Mariko-san
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