Okay, I'm going to try and keep up with this page as much as possible, but that means motta unless I try, ne? I'll start with today (5-13-03) and just go on from there.

**Tuesday, May 13th.
    I've started downloading alot of anime these days. I have so far all of .hack//sign, .hack//dusk, Kanon, Fullmoon Wo Sagashite, and Saishuuheiki Kanojo just to name a few. I'm going to try adding these to the series info page within a week or so here. Yesterday was my 21st bday so I'm going to be getting drunk by the end of the week here >D But I'll still try and work on this damn site so more.

**Saturday/Sunday June 27, 2004
    My last update was a year ago...how sad is that. Work will do that to you. I work in a hospital now so I got less time for myself. Plus, I'm planning my wedding for next July so there goes even more time. I have to leave SOME time for anime watching. I try anyway.
New anime I've seen? Well, I've gotten into InuYasha BIG time so most of my watching goes to that. Also, I got I My Me Strawberry Eggs, all of X, and started Wedding Peach as well as Full Metla Panic. I'll add all I can to my site. OKAY, updates! Started Inuyasha page and will update the Myself page. Plan on doing more but not sure what yet. I'll let you know :)

**Saturday July 3rd
    HAPPY 4th OF JULY TO EVERYONE! God Bless America, eh? :) Please take time out of anime watching to wish our troops good forture and hope they come home soon to watch anime themselves.
    I have Cardcaptor Sakura up now. If any one is like, "There's not much there", please remember, I do only summeries. You have to watch the series yourselves. I try to stay away from too many spoilers (although it can be soooo hard not too.) Also, I heard a few days ago that the rights to Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitchi have been purchased and Americans will get to see it soon. VERY cute serious for you shoujo fans. Well, ja ne for now :)

**Saturday December 11
Pathetic how I lack in this site's growth. Just hard to find the time (and effort sometimes.) The sites getting a holiday theme as you noticed. Also, I plan on bringing in manga to my summeries selection. Kodacha, Sailormoon, and tons others! What do YOU want to see?
[email protected] to let me know!

**Saturday, March 12
Hey, 2 months and I'll be 23...and still into anime. I was 19 when I started this site. I appoligize for total lack of coolness, I suck at htmls. But I still wanted to make my site so, despite lack of moderness (is that a word?) I will continue to do what I can. I made new links to the series pages, cute pictures. I need to work on getting more series up. I've seen about 70+ more than I have listed. Ja ne, minna :D
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