Welcome to my website!

This website, a branch of The Silver Violin, has nothing to do with music. In fact, it revolves around a certain piece of writing called A Swift and Subtle Light. You might want to begin by clicking the buttons above to read about it! The links are set up in a good order so that you can fully understand what I've devoted my time to.

While you're here, I HAVE SOME IMPERATIVE INFORMATION! The gloriously beautiful picture you can see above is not my work. In fact, none of the pictures in the gallery are, either. They were drawn completely by my friend, Michelle. She is incredibly talented, as you can see, and she has done a lot of work for me. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY FRIEND'S BEAUTIFUL ARTWORK! She has worked very hard on it and was exceptionally kind to give it to me. You may ADMIRE THESE PICTURES, but please, please do not take them.

Speaking of Michelle, I would like to thank her immensely for the donation of her time and talent for my humble website. She is truly gifted and her work is absolutely magnificent. Thank you very much, Michelle, you are truly appreciated!

All right...well, I really hope you enjoy my website! If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me: [email protected] ! Thank you!

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