THE 110th (STELLAR WOLVES) Assault Cluster
Based at: Planet Hyperion

"There is no higher honor, no greater glory, than to enter combat outnumbered by the largest margin

possible and emerge victorious.

There is no virtue above honor. 

Without honor there is not life."

                                                                                                  The Remembrance (Clan Wolf),
                                                                                                     Passage 157, Verse 2, Lines 6 - 10

Built around the Warhawk/Masakari chassis, this is the Stellar Wolves primary 'mech.  Amongst other weapons, it has four ER PPC's, and is normally found in the "wasp" coulour scheme: Blue and Black, with markings in Yellow and White.

A variant of the Timberwolf/MadCat battlemech, This is used by the Stellar Wolves when both speed and firepower are required.  Despite the Timberwolf chassis being widely regarded as the most well balanced available, so far losses have been high.  The Forestwolf is usually found painted in Jungle Camouflage.

The Spitfire is an experimental venture by the Stellar Wolves to produce a rapid strike 'mech specifically designed to take out a single target under fire support.  The Spitfire is armed only with Machine guns, which are grouped and fired together, swamping the target with bullets.  It is built around the Stormcrow/Ryoken chassis, and often found painted Ghost Grey.

The Pilgrim is a long-range heavy recon / medium patrol 'mech, built around the MadDog/Vulture chassis.  Used mainly by the Stellar Wolves special unit, the "Desert Crabs", it is a highly versatile machine capable of many tasks.  The mechwarriors who pilot these machines can live in their 'mechs for up to eight days, using the Pilgrim's onboard supplies to stay healthy.  This gives the Pilgrim the capacity for extensive long-range patrols.  The Pilgrim has many other systems, including a targeting computer and MASC (with MASC engaged, the Pilgrim runs at a top speed of 101.3 km/h).  It is armed primarily with LRM20's and Large Pulse Lasers, although it also has a number of other smaller tools.  Although found in many varying terrain types, Pilgims are noramlly found painted in Desert Camouflage.

The Hurricane is a customised Seigemech built around the 100 ton Direwolf/Daishi chassis.  Normally armed with grouped laser weapons, such as multiple PPCs or Large Pulse Lasers, it is designed to be able to stand in the thick of battle whilst delivering heavy damage to the opposition.  Due to slow speed and high price, the Stellar Wolves have only constructed four of these mechs, of which two have been knocked out in combat.  The Hurricane is normally found painted in Ghost Grey or Desert Camouflage.

The Stellar Wolves currently have three of these heavy scouts (based around the Cougar chassis), which are customised to include a large array of extra sensors and ECM systems.  They are normally found painted in either the "wasp" colour scheme of the Stellar Wolves, or Jungle Camouflage.

The Stellar Wolves are part of Clan Wolf, and although willing to help any Clan destroy an Inner Sphere force, they are ultimately loyal children of Clan Wolf, and will defend that name until the last. 
Operating from their home on the Planet Hyperion, they have sent conquests far across the reaches of the Inner Sphere.  The Stellar Wolves have been known to send large forces to a specific planet, simply to eradicate a small I.S. force, even if that force is only rumoured to be in the area, swarming out from their dropship, The
Black Mustang.
After the death of their former commander, Lara Ryan, Star Captain Labyrinth has been an exemplary leader, assuming command and inspiring the unit to become independant-minded.  A move from their home planet,
Corsica Nueva, to Hyperion, was at first difficult, but has ultimately been embraced.
The Stellar Wolves will not stop fighting until they have eradicated the Inner Sphere, rebuilt the Starleague, and claimed Terra once again for its true rulers.
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