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If there is anything going on within the team or within IMBRL, it will be posted up here.


Team News...

18th January 2004
First training for 2004, was an ok turn out with 8 turning up, including Ste making a come back.

The guys played tick n pass, just as alot of them haven't trained in a while. Proper practice will be happening next week, with a new focus on fitness.

Hope to see you all down at training, so we can make 2004 another undefeated year.

First Aid
Injury News
In injury news, Mr Phil missed training today, and could be out for several weeks, after badly injuring his shoulder, carrying a book from his University Library.

Mr Phil said " It was far to heavy for me to manage, if id have known at the time, id have got someone else to carry it home for me. "

Also a little report about the presentation evening has been done


IMBRL News...

At the minute discussions are being held for next years tournament, and once again the same question is being asked. Should the tournament be tag or tackle? At the minute there is a poll up, so if you want to vote or post anything to do with it click here

Looks like there are alot of teams up for playing in a tackle tournament. So hopefully, if a few of us chuck in should be able to get one arranged. Also need to find out if players want a disclaimer being made. If so each player who wants to play will sign it, so that they know that some of them are playing without insurance and may get injured. If you want to put your comments up about this, click here

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� 2004 Saints Stickmen IMBRL
Last Updated: 20th January 2004
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