
Agingan Bay

Airport Bunkers

Bird Island

Bonzai Cliff

Country Club Beach

Forbidden Island

Garapan Street Market

German Bell Tower

Great Views



Invasion Beach

Isley Field

Jeffrey's Beach

Kalabera Cave

Ladder Beach

Lake Susupe

Last Command Post

Lau Lau Bay


Managaha Island

Memorial Park

Micro Beach

Mt. Tapochao

Nafutan Penisula

Noa Victoria

Obyan Beach

Old Japanese Hospital

Old Japanese Jail

Old Man by the Sea


Pau Pau Beach

Sand Castles

Sugar King Park

Suicide Cliff


Talafofo Falls

Then - Now

Saipan Stories.

Guest Book

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Obyan Beach
Obyan (pronounced long O, long B, John) is another large beach that is a favorite for snorkelers, skin divers, swimmers, or beachcombers.

As you enter the beach you will find a couple large Japanese WW II gun bunkers. Between the bunkers and just off the beach is an ancient Chamorro village site. Here you will find several latte stones. It is believed that they built their houses on top of these stones. You can walk further inland from the old latte stone site and find a couple interesting small caves. A large paved parking lot with a security guard was recently added.

The Obyan area also has nice hiking trails. One trail navigates up the cliff to Naftan Peninsula. Another trail led me to this small hole in the ground (pictured to the right-top). It is a Japanese WWII exit tunnel which originates from an oceanside cave (right-middle). The cave is on a beautiful remote beach (right-below). More trails lead to other small beaches, WWII building foundations, and spectacular views.




Latte Stones from 1,000 years ago

Japanese Gun Bunker

Japanese Gun Bunker



Obyan Beach with Naftan Peninsula in the background
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