My Ghost Page
This Picture was taken in my parents living room. 
For as long as I can remember the paranormal has enticed me.  Even in High School I was the one who wanted to do the seances and the ouja board.  But show me a fake Haunted House, and I will run like a scared kitten! LOL  I know the real thing, in most cases, wont harm us.  That is, if you are dealing with a spirit, ghost or "imprint".  But when its entities one is dealing with, I hope you have read your homework before messing with that stuff.

I love to go ghost hunting too.  As of lately, I am more into the "urban exploring" aspect of the ghosthunting adventure.  I am finding out more and more that I am becoming more of a skeptic, since everytime I go out searching, I come up with zilch. Maybe one day that spector will tap me on the back...till then....I can only hope that they are out there.

I am always doing research on the subject and wish I could get my butt back to school to actually get my paraphyscologist (I think I spelled that right lol) degree.  I would so much like to find out for sure that "ghosts" DO exist and have that actual "Proof".  But in the meantime, I will keep researching and keep hoping that one day I will get that proof that I need for myself and for everyone else.  But with paranormal researching, unless you witness it first hand, its hard to believe someone elses "proof".

Good luck on your own"hunting"....and keep me in mind you go!!  If I cant be there physically, I will be there in "spirit".
My Favorite GhostPages
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This is the BEST site for Michigan urban exlploring!!
Not a ghost page...but has has Great masks!
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