Shannon's Personal Page
Stuff about me....
I am from Michigan in the Downriver area.  I have been married for  10 years now and have about the best 8 yr old son one could ever imagine of having.  I work as a part time secretary for a heating and cooling company and have been at that same job for over 7 yrs now.

My favortie things include the following...
Color:  Green
Food:  Anything Seafood and anything gooey.
:  Almond Joy
Rock Group:  Presently its Evanesence, all time would have to be the Scorpions.
Music:  Any kind except blues and jazz
Day of the week: Thursday
Flower:  Lilacs
Collectible: Winnie the Pooh and Fairies
Hobby: Ghost Hunting!!
Holiday:  Halloween

If you want to know anything else about me...send me a message on yahoo messanger or send me an email!!!
This is my own little spot on the net.  How you found me...I have no idea, but I do hope you like reading my pages!!  Be sure to sign my guest book please!~
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