Same Day Repair is: Josh Leigeber & Anna Hill
Same Day Repair  is an acoustic Christian rock duo based
in the Lincoln, Nebraska area.

The band begain in August of 2003 and since then
has performed at many of the area venues. We had
planned on doing some recording at the end of May
2004, but the timing wasn't right. Currently, we are making
plans to begin recording this coming August 2005.
Are you all ready for an interesting proposition that I have recently heard? There is a rumor that Same Day Repair and Paradox (Josh's former band) may be joining up near the end of July (as... get this... "Same Day ReParadox) to play a few concerts in the Alabama/Arkansas area. There are a lot of wrinkles that need to be ironed out in order for this to happen, but it is a definite possibility that would definitely do a lot of rockin'. We'll keep you updated on what happens!

Hey everyone! I know that it's been way too long since I've updated this Anyway, I'm working on setting up concerts for this fall, and I just finalized one at the United Methodist Church in Milford on Sept. 19th, so you should all plan to be there! I am also working on concerts in Lincoln, Sprague, York, Crete, and Omaha. Which probably means... that I should put a schedule up here. Keep checking back for updates on all of that. We hope your summer is going well!

I know a lot of you got the e-mail that we sent out, but I thought I'd go ahead and put some info up here too! This Friday night, Feb. 4th, SDR is playing at St. Paul's Underground (the basement of St. Paul's Methodist church) in Lincoln. The entrance to the building is at 12th and M, so it's easy to find. We'd love to see you all there!!!



"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any power, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

-Romans 8:38-39
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