Firstly Lola massages a moisturising lotion into Sammy�s soft skin, and once it is well worked in applies concealer under her eyes. Next comes the beard cover around her chin, under the nose and down the neck. This is followed by foundation and after that is applied Lola dusts Sammy�s whole face down. Next Lola sets to work on the eyes; a dark eye shadow is blended with a light one to give Sammy those �take me to bed eyes�. False eyelashes are applied and a nice thick coat of mascara is applied. Next comes eye pencil and Sammy�s eyebrows appear thin and sexy on her face. Rouge to the cheeks lip liner and lipstick, and then a liberal splash of Romance behind the ears and between the cleavage. Lola next gets Sammy�s long black wig and places it on her head. Gently teasing the strands with her fingers she rearranges those out of place hairs.

Lola stands back and gazes into the mirror. �Wait till you see this Sammy darling, I guarantee no one would pick that face as being male� she says.

Now its time to finish dressing this lady and Lola puts on a soft silky white blouse, which she seductively leaves unbuttoned a little at the front to show off Sammy�s cleavage. Next she puts on an above the knee black flared skirt, and then puts on a pair of shoes that she has bought for this special occasion. Medium heeled conservative black shoes. Finally Sammy puts on a black matching jacket, and now looks resplendent in her business like suit. �Time to open your eyes� says Lola. Sammy stands there stupefied. She looks in the mirror, but can not believe that the person who looks back is her is actually her. �Fuck� she says, �I would never know that was me�, Lola immediately chastises her and says �Sammy! a lady does not use such language. Time to get in the car and get down to the station, we have a train to catch�.

After an uneventful trip to the local station, the two girls lock the car in the local car park and take the short walk to the station. Lola tells Sammy that she will buy the tickets so as not attract attention to Sammy. For though it would be hard to pick her for not being female, her voice would give her away. After purchasing the tickets the two of them have to hurry down the stairs in order to catch the train currently standing on platform one. Lola has no problem with this, but it is something never before had to do, running in heels. But all goes well and the two girls are soon seated in one of the new Millennium trains, and are headed into the City of Sydney.

The trip goes fairly quietly, and the two girls chat amongst themselves is hushed tones. There are a few old ladies in the carriage; off to wherever the elderly go around mid day, but otherwise they are alone. Lola has her hand resting on Sammy�s silky thigh, gently stroking her fingers up and down, up and down. So engrossed are they in there chat that neither of the girls see two well built labourers enter the carriage and sit down behind them. However it is soon obvious that they are there, as the two guys starts passing lewd remarks about the two �spunks� sitting in front of them, and what they would like to do with them if they had half a chance.
Well Lola takes this in her stride, but Sammy goes bright red and it is easy to see she is not sure how to handle this. As Sammy gets agitated, Lola calmly places her lips on Lola�s and pushes her hand up her skirt and starts rubbing her pussy. Well this shuts up the two larrikins immediately. Lola whispers to Sammy pretend you are enjoying this, and make little moaning noises. Sammy does as she is told, however the moans that escape her lips are not pretend, but are in fact very real, and to make matters worse, her clitty is all swollen again.

Well seeing the two girls at it directly in front of them, obviously has an effect on them. As the train pulls into Central, they along with the girls get up to leave, holding their hands together in front of them to hide the rather large and obvious bulge�s in the area of their crotches. Sammy luckily has her handbag, which she is able to hold in front of her to hide her swollen clitty. As they proceed toward the exit, Lola whispers to Sammy �I think we will have to visit the ladies, I see there is a rather large problem arising that needs taking care of before we go shopping� at the same time she looks deep into Sammy�s eyes and winks.

Well off to the ladies in Central station, not the best place to do what Lola had in mind but she really had no choice. As they make their way there the two lads follow them and pass lewd comments, which end when both girls enter the ladies. The room is empty and both girls enter the one cubicle. Lola pulls down Sammy�s G-string and forces her to sit on the toilet seat with her legs raised so that her heels are also on the seat. This exposes very nicely Sammy�s swollen clitty, which after squatting down Lola takes in her mouth and proceeds to suck with some vigour. Well it does not take long at all this time before Sammy erupts into Lola�s mouth again. Lola having ensured that she has every last drop stands and kisses Sammy. As their lips meet and tongues dart out to each other, Lola shares the recent results of her actions with Sammy. Once the girls have settled down, Lola rearranges Sammy�s clothes, and they go out to the vanity where Lola touches up both of their lipstick.

As they are about to leave the toilet block, in the toilet stall next to the one they used, there is the sound of flushing, and then the door opens. Out walks one of the wags who had been on the train, a big satisfied smile on his face. �Thanks� he says, �I would never had guessed had I not seen it with my own eyes, I just had the best wank ever. If you girls are not doing anything this afternoon, I would love to buy you a drink� Both Lola and Sammy look at him, and decline stating that they have some very important business to carry out this afternoon. With that the lad smiles and mentions his thanks again, and leaves, just as an old lady walks in. Well, she sees him and screams. He runs out, and as she enters she sees the two girls, and her face tells the whole story. �I know what you two have been up to, how dare you bring young men in here for sex�, little does she know, the girls think as they too walk out.

Leaving Central the girls slowly meander up George street making their way to the Pitt street mall, where they have a table booked in the revolving restaurant in Centre-point tower, and then have some serious shopping to do. Lunch is a wonderful affair, champagne, oysters, fresh vegetables, and freshly ground coffee and home made cake.

After enjoying their relaxing meal, and having had it go so well without any strange looks, questions or whispering in the corners, the girls go down the lift to the mall; it�s shopping time. There is a spring in each of the girl�s steps as they start looking in windows.

First it�s into a shoe shop where Sammy squealing with delight has seen a lovely pair of blue court shoes with extremely high heels. �Ooh I must have those� Sammy cries, and Lola takes her into the shop just to keep her quiet. �Honestly Sammy� she says, �you are worse than a child�. The girls are met by a tall blonde shop assistant whose nametag says she is called Sally. �Hi Sally�, Lola says, �Sammy here is after a pair of the blue court shoes you have in the window, do you have them in a ladies size 13?� Sally looks at Lola with a quizzical look, swivelling her head around she stares at Sammy�s feet then slowly raises her line of sight until she is looking into Sammy�s eyes. Her expression changes as she very quickly sizes up the situation and comes to the appropriate conclusion. �I, see� she say�s, �I know just what you are after, my husband William likes to cross dress to. But I must congratulate you Sammy, for Bill; or rather Melinda as he is known has never been outside the house, despite all my complaining. Oh, and yes, we do have your size, are you sure you want a five inch heel though, they are extremely hard to walk in, and even harder for you Sammy if you know what I am getting at� Sammy smiles and say�s, �yes please, I just must have them�.
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