Sammy, how can I meet you?

So, you want to meet me...huh?

Well that�s nothing new, I get this all the time when I am online and in emails. Firstly let me ask you a question. Why do you want to meet me? Are you interested in meeting me because you find me unusual and would like to get to know me as a person or are you looking for someone to have no strings sex?

If the answer is
SEX, you can pretty-well skip this page. If you want to know why then keep reading onward and I will try and explain the whys and wherefores.

If you are looking for sex, find a T-Girl escort, there are many out there and you will get what you are looking for and the girl will get what she needs to survive at a decent living standard. (If you just said "I don't pay for sex" your in the wrong place all together, we all pay for sex one way or another, only the currency and exchange rates are different)

It's not that I don't like sex, most people do, and I like it as much as anyone does. But, and this is a big "
BUT" (not my rear-end, silly) I have this gold band on my left hand ring finger that means I made a commitment. It would not be much of a commitment if I started running around having sex with every man or woman, for that matter, would it? Remember back on the first page, where I said I was married to a very supportive lady or were you to busy drooling over the picture to not notice the print. How supportive do you think she would be if I started having sex on the side? So to put it in simpler terms, you want me to risk my marriage, family and lifestyle just so you can get your rocks off and you don�t want to pay for it. Doesn't seem like a very good deal to me does it? And I haven't even touched on the health and safety issues.

OK I get it. But I would still like to meet you.

So you still want to meet me even after reading all that above. Well there are still a few more things to know before you do. Can you handle that? Go to the following website.


Read the "
Admirer�s Handbook" this will give you an in-depth process into the T-Girl world and reasons why T-Girls think and act the way we do. Actually, I recommend the entire site; it is well worth the time you invest in reading it. If you have any questions from a T-Girl or Admirer�s point of view, Renee has already answered them far better and clearer than I can ever hope too. I go there at least once a week and continually learn something new about myself and the process I have started to bring Sammy out in the open and into the real world. 

Ok, so you have read the site or at least the handbook front to back, did you get the key points? Do you get how much I invest in Sammy? I am not talking about money here, (although it takes a lot of that) I am talking about

T I M E!

After taking care of all my normal everyday life (you know, like, job, family, house and home duties, etc.) there isn't much time left over for Sammy, then take away the time it takes to put together an outfit and putting on my makeup and making sure I have everything I need to go out on the town. Now do you understand why the chances of me showing up at your hotel door are pretty much next to nothing?  Its not that I think I am all that special, far from it, as T-Girls go, I have just grabbed onto the bottom rung of the ladder. There are way many more girls that leave me in the dust, that�s why I go out to the clubs, to be with other T-Girls like myself. I want to get to know them better as a person, get to know them as a friend and learn the path and process that they took to get to where they are in life.

Well... sounds like someone else I know. HINT! HINT!

So your best bet in meeting me is to go out to the T-Girl clubs. Drop me an email and I'll let you know if I will be going out anytime soon and which clubs I'll be headed too.

I recommend you go out to the clubs a few times to get yourself used to the environment, bring along that handbook Renee wrote for you it will come in handy from time to time. And who knows maybe you will meet some pretty lady and I will drop out of your mind entirely, Oh well, just my luck! LOL. And if you do see me, feel free to come over and introduce yourself.

I promise not to bite and I'll try and keep the other Girls from biting too.

E-Mail me
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