Building a spacestation on Venus

A main part of our space theme is creating a spacestation for man to live in on a certain 'thing' in the solar system. This page is creating a spacestation on Venus.

ALSO: You will need Oxygen Tanks!


1. Temperatures no Venus are not as high as Mercury, but they are still pretty high.
2. Gravity is pretty low on Venus, so maybe try and get something to hold objects down.
3. In 0-Gravity areas (or nearly 0) peoples muscles don't need to work, so people may get very unfit.
4. You'll need to do something about those clouds!


1. Heat-Resistant tiles, and a lot of air-conditioning!
2. A gravity machine, bolt things to the floor and foot restraints.
3. Even with a bit of artificial gravity you need to excersise, so stick in a few gyms.
4. Get a giant 'Cloud Blower', and say goodbye to those clouds!


1. Cloud Hide-and-seek!
2. Have one clock that goes regulary with a sign saying 'Venus Time', and one going 243 times faster that says 'Earth Time'.
3. Use the sun for solar power!
4. A teleportation device to all other spacestations and Earth.
5. Some no-gravity rooms!
6. Cloud Surfing!
7. A lot more stuff with clouds!

The Sun | Mercury | Venus | Mars | Jupiter | Europa | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto | Venus - Facts | Take the SSSTD back to the main station

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