Book of Shadows
A Reference Guide and Research Center
The fifth element of spirit or "ether".  The Akasha contains Askashic Records and records events of the physical and astral worlds.
The concept of the Akashic Records was introduced in the early 1900s occult blooming days by Edgar Cayce.  He described it as a book or database of events that occured that could be accessed by human kind.
Thousands of hours and countless resources have been compiled to give you these definitions and research topics.  My deepest thanks to those of you whom I interviewed, received submissions from, or allowed me to use your research tools.
An ancient Hebrew system that includes parts of the Kaballah (Qabalah) and Greek Iamblichan concepts.  It was seen primarily in the medieval periods in Europe and was used later by notable occultists, including Alex Sanders.  It claims that the spiritual and physical balance in the world is created by the forces of light and darkness.  This is also featured in Gnostics  and Zoroastrian systems.  This is a very difficult and rigid system, in which everything depends on the condition of the caster's spirit force.  This system also includes 360 symbols, each representing a different part of nature.  
Also called Inner Plane Adepti.  A Western Mysteries leader who possesses training of an advanced nature and has suprpassed all the phases of initiation.  They are exalted by their followers as their kind are few.  Of any hierarchy that they belong, they are at the top rung of the chain of command. 
The American author of
Drawing Down the Moon, considered by many an excellent beginning book for Paganism.  She began in childhood with a love for Greek mythology which led her to learning the Craft and being initiated into a Gardnerien coven in 1971.  She beleives in the creation of a lifestyle and an overall cultural harmony with nature as well as the sacred values of the Earth.  She currently resides in New York and works with National Public Radio.
Divination using the air and sky elementals.  It combines astral phenomena, weather, and the apperance of clouds.  Usually a great learning tool for young pagans and the child pagan.  
The teutonic system of deities, including a pantheon of air-related gods and goddesses, who live in Asgard.  This mythic island is located on the island of Sjaelland in present day Denmark.  This gathering of the gods, who were in constant conflict with the earth-based Vanir, main antagonist are the Frost Giants who brought with them death and cold.  This pantheon is led by Odin and 12 others:  Balder, Bragi, Forseti, Heindall, Hod, Loki, Njord, Thor, Tyr, Ull, Vali, and Vidar.  The goddeses of this gathering are:  Frigg, Idunn, Saga, Sif, and Skaldi.  This hierarchy is fundamental to the religon of Asartu, please go here to learn more about Asatru with the
Odinic Rite organization.     
AGRIPPA, CORNELIUS HENRY (1486-1535) A German born intellecutal magician who comprsied some of the occult world's best works, most notably Three Books of Occult Philosophy.  In philosophy and alchemical fields he is seen as parallel with Paracelsus and Della Porta.  He was a firm beleiver in correspondances and intergrated it into permanent occult theory.  His theories of the relationships noted between each part of the physical world is widely still acknowledged today.  His is wrongly credited with writing the  Fourth Book of Cornelius Agrippa, which was a fradulent work created by a transcriptionist.
An ancient discipline that combined spiritualirty and chemistry to create the elixer of life also known as the Philosopher's Stone.  Thus sparked the field that is currently related to as alchemy, the act of refining base metals into silver or gold.  It reached its greatest populatity between 1400 and 1700 AD.  It is still seen avidly in the Far East.   
A divnation technique that involves messages written on pieces of paper that are wrapped in flour balls.  They are offered to those seeking a glimpse of their future.  These are seen in the modern day as fortune cookies.  Their orgins come from ancient Greece.   
A faction of Wiccan society  whose initiatory lines come from Alexander Sanders.  This faction usually allows newcomers to join in the circle as passive observers.  Usually these newcommers are initiated through a neophyte ritual.  
A wax tasliman used in rituals that has upon it inscribed the names of divine beings or other entities.  It is made from wax as it can readily be destroyed and the information on it sealed.
A divination technique that uses the appearance of salt grains sprinkled on a flat surface (floor, mirror, concrete, etc.).  It is beleived that the superstition of throwing salt over the shoulder when it is spilled to ward off evil, may have come from this tenchique.
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