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Those of us who have been given animal companions or familiars realize the closeness of human and animal bonds.  They affect every aspect of our lives and encourage us to grow, and to support and love us unconditionally.   This page discusses herbal remedies for their illnesses of mind and body and also plants that are toxic to our friends.
To make a flower or herb essence you will need:

*A clear glass bowl without markings or color
*Unbleached coffee filters
*A glass bottle, brown in color is preferable
*Alcohol, vodka works great.

Begin by choosing a bright and sunny day.  Start early in the day and fill the glass bowl  about halfway with water.  Cover the surface of the water entirely with the blossoms of your chosen flower.  Keep in mind to avoid any stems or greenery, as while the blossoms may be harmless other part of the plant could be potentially poisonous.   
Leave the bowl in the sunlight for three to four hours.  Using the filters, purge the water and pour into a clean container.  Taking the glass bottle fill it about half full with alcohol or water and alcohol mix.  Fill the rest with the stock flower essence. 

*Note:  Some people have found it preferable to use spring or distilled water for this process.  For optimum results, please place all herbal and flower essences in a cool dark place.
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Herbs and their Uses
When working with animals please keep in mind that three or four drops of an essence made from above works well for animals such as cats and dogs.  Too little is better than too much.  For best results please contact an herbalist that is knowledgeable in animal healing and can give an exact dosage that will provide optimum results for your cherished friend.  
quells paranoia and fear of the unknown.
aids in the balancing of natural cycles and hormones in the body.
calms the anxiety cause by a new environment, new addition to the house, or change in location.
Blackberry brings about a sense of light and happiness.
Bleeding Heart aids in breaking down of emotion walls.
Blue Eyes Grass aids in self worth.
California Pitcher Plant gives the abilities of an earth elemental such as solidity and grounding.
California Poppy aids in healing the past.
Chamomile brings about peace.
y serves as a great aid in overcoming submissiveness due to being overdominated or abused.
Cherry Plu
m can aid in housebreaking and aggression that results from being abused.
Chestnut Bu
d can be used to counteract housebreaking problems and most other behavior problems.
works excellently to easy the anxiety and pain of seperation, it also serves as an aid to strengthen love.
Comfrey is excellent as the first step after trauma.
Crab Appl
e eases the need to groom, when it becomes excessive.
Daffodil aids in building clairvoyance.
Dogwood aids in bulding trust and love.
Evening Primrose for building healthy relationships.
False Helebore for seperation anxiety.
Fennell can be used to rebuild confidence.
Foxglove works excellently to reduce pain and problematic conditions in the digits and paws.
French Marigold aids in reducing harm emotionally during or after trauma. 
Freesia promotes a positive demeanor.
can be used to quell jealousy and to open the heart to love.
e helps to heal the heart after an owner or companion has crossed over to the Other Side.
helps to heal the emotional scars of abuse.
is used to calm the nerves.
Lady Slipper aids in alleviating stress caused by conditions in the laws and digits.
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