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I have searched through books and internet sites and have come up with the following list of foliage that could cost your loved friend's life.  Please take a moment to think if you may have any of the below in your home and to make sure it is secure from your pet.
ALOE VERA is considered mildly toxic when ingested.
AUTUMN CROCUS, the bulbs cause purging of the stomach and pain.
AZALEAS are considered
HIGHLY TOXIC all parts of the plant are fatal.
BLEEDING HEART's foliage is toxic when ingested.
BUTTERCUPS possess irritant juices to the mouth and mucous membranes.
CASTOR BEANS are considered
HIGHLY TOXIC.   One beenlike seed can kill a human adult.
HIGHLY TOXIC and should be avoided at all costs.  All parts of this plant is fatal.
DAFFOLDIL the bulbs cause stomach upset.
DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES the foliage and roots of this plant are toxic.
ELDERBERRY is toxic except the berry. 
FOXGLOVE the leaves contain a harmful hallucinogen. 
GOLDEN CHAIN's small capsule is toxic to animals and humans.
HYACINTH's bulbs casue stomach pain and is a dangerous purgative.
IRIS the bulbs and stems cause painful digestive upset.
JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT is toxic and causes irritation and soreness in the mouth.  It irritates the tissue creating a burning sensation in mucous membranes.
LARKSPUR the seeds, sprouts, and young plants cause an uneasy stomach and vomiting.
LILY OF THE VALLEY the leaves cause upset stomach, vomiting, and confusion.
MISTLETOE's berries are considered
NARCESSIS the bulb casues severe vomiting and stomach upset.
OLEANDER is considered
HIGHLY TOXIC its leaves and branched affect the cardiovascular systems and result in death.
POINSETTA is considered
HIGHLY TOXIC. One leaf is enough to kill a small human child.
RHUBARB is considered
HIGHLY TOXIC. The leaves and bulb are toxic and the leaf blade can be fatal.
YEW is considered
HIGHLY TOXIC. The berries and foliage is fatal.
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