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One of the most ancient religions, Wicca's roots extend far past 40,000 years.  Ancient ones worshipped the Fertility Goddess to sustain their tribes, as women were seen to hold the Power of creation.  Soon the God, the Horned One, would join as the Lord of the Hunt which fed the ancestor's tribes and man's role as hunter/protector was set in stone.  Magick and ritual were a part of the Ancient one's everyday lives, as was living in harmony with the earth and all living things.  Soon Christianity came to be, and in their conversion process the blood of many spilled on the lands.  Natives people from all over the world were took as slaves and the ancient beliefs began to disappear.  The heart and soul of Paganism hid deep within secret circles and in the soul of Gaia Herself.  Wicca has long been supressed by the brutal Christian regime and seen as an evil belief system.  The Horned One became the devil, while women were seen as dirty, weak, and useless.  Men came to power over the world and so the balance between male and female was broken, as women had no say and were often treated as slaves.  The Earth Mother was raped.  Humans began to lose their place in the ecosystem and began to dominate their environment.  For many years this system seemed to take hold of the fabric of society.  Then a mass awakening of Consciousness occurred, often called the Great Awakening.  Many people's souls began to stir to a strange drumbeat, a heartbeat of the planet.  Something is calling us back to the way things should be.  Men and women as equal.  Love and beauty to grace people's everyday lives.  Peace and harmony with the planet and all living things. 

Wicca is a religion that worships a god and goddess.  Many Wiccan's have selected, or in some instances been selected by, a particular god and goddess form.  Please see
HERE for a comprehensive list of gods and goddesses.  We are a gentle and beautiful  religion seeing all we do ruled by the Threefold Law, whatever we shall give out we shall receive likewise multiplied by three.  If we commit a negative thing, we shall receive it back threefold.  If we commit a positive act, we shall also receive that back times three.  In many instances we must halt ourselves and question if what we are about to do is karmatically correct.  The core of Wicca is ruled by "do what thy wilt and in it harm ye none" and also by the Wiccan Rede, please go HERE to read the Rede.  There are no mandatory meetings or forcing of someone to do anything that they do not wish to do.  Wicca is about freedom for a person to find their own role on this planet and in this lifetime.  While many Wiccans see death as a return to Summerland, the place of ultimate peace and happiness,  many believe that a person returns to the lifeforce of the Mother and is born again into a new lifetime.
Wiccan religious practice shuns the sacrificing of animal and human sacrifice, as we see all life from the small ant to the mighty bear as sacred.  Many onlookers find both our rituals and personal lives to be strange.  As I often ask, "What is so strange about greeting the sun in the morning?"  or "Nature is majestic and beautiful.  If you have seen Her as I have, you would not find the Wiccan custom so strange."

Many misconceptions still reign after the Dark Times about Wiccan beliefs.  WICCANS ARE NOT SATANISTS OR DEVIL-WORSHIPPERS.  The pentacle, of five pointed star surrounded by a circle, if often seen as a sign of evil.  The five points of the star refer to the perfect human.  A head, a left arm, a right arm, a left leg, and a right leg.  And the star also corresponds to the five elements of earth, fire, water, air, and spirit.  The circle is the circle of life from which we all are born, live, die, and be reborn again.  This circle is often called the Spiral, hence many Wiccans calling themselves walkers or dancers of the Spiral.  Magick is not evil.  It is a force of the earth and of our own souls that we can call upon and use to create or alter the physical world or ourselves.  Magick can be used for anything.  It can heal, hurt, repair, destroy, create, or ruin.  All Wiccans realize whatever they shall give out that they shall receive that in return times three, hence the darker side of magick is rarely used.  Magick itself is neither black nor white, good nor evil.  It is as nature, both loving and cruel, all shades of the earth.  Every colour in existance.  A male witch is not called a Warlock, that term means oathbreaker or traitor.  It is rude and obscene to refer to anyone not deserving of the term as a Warlock.  The terms High Priestess for a Woman of great standing in the circle is used, and High Priest for a male of the same status.  Wiccans often form groups referred to as covens.  Covens are not a group of evil doers who seek out and kidnap small children and drink blood.  A coven is a group of people who have joined together to walk the Path and aid each other and their community.  All covens believe in "perfect love, and pefect trust" in each other.  In many belief structures of Wicca the essence of evil does not stem from an evil flaming underworld, but comes from humankind.  In many beliefs, there is no good and no evil, only mankind's consciousness and the actions that they take.    

The most observed laws of Wicca are the Five Beliefs.  They are listed below in order of most popular belief to the final belief which is held by some walkers of this path..
1.  If it harm ye none, do what you will
2.  The Laws of Attraction
3.  Harmony and Serenity
4.  Power through Knowledge
5.  Progressive Reincarnation

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