<BGSOUND SRC="http://easymidisite.tripod.com/MidiFiles/ThemeMovieMidi/mortal_kombat.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
You don't really have to do this for me,sanosuke_fan! I feel so shy for having another tribute site of mine on the net*blush*. Anyway,thanks! I appreciate it very much. I see that you must spent lots of effort,time,money and energy to maintain a RK site. Well,thanks again! I don't think I should spoil your mood on doing this. Dedicating a site to me is fine. I also would like to thank all the great people who are my fans and still support or dedicate anything to me on the net or wherever or whatever it is. I'm sure we from the Kamiya Dojo will be very happy to know that we're remembered and have a lot of dedications and love. Ok,I think I should really be going now. Sorry if I bother you^_^x;. Why not scroll down now?>>>
Real name:Himura Shinta(please note that for the Japanese,sir names comes first)
"Himura" was a name given to him by Seijuro Hiko(he's master and adopted father). Though,I don't know his real sir name*boff*. But anyway...*sigh*
Nicknames:Hitokiri(ppl cutter/slasher?)Battousai,Battousai the Slasher(NA),Himura Battousai,Ken-san,Ken-ni
D.O.B:20th June 1849
Age in the show:28-29 years old*whoah*(he looks much more younger than Sano for me and they're age difference are 10 years!!!)
Blood type:AB
Hair color:Orange+red
Eye color:Blue
Height:158 cm
Weight:48 kg(about 96 lbs!*ginkees*he weighted 8 kg more than me*whaoh*)
Weapon:Sakabatou(Reverse Blade/Edge Sword)
Fighting technique:Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Style,some of his famous attacks:Ryu Tsui Sen,Ryu Sho Sen,Dou Ryu Sen,Ryu Kan Zen Tsumuji,Battou-Jutsu,Kuzu Ryu Sen,
Ama kake ryu no hirameki.
First appearence:1st episode of Rurouni Kenshin Anime and Manga
Seiyuu(Japanese voice caster):Mayo Suzukaze
English dub voice actor:Richard Hayworth
! The Kenshin Himura Totally Tribute Site!
The blushing Ken-san^_^x;!!
Who In The Name Is This Guy Called Battousai The Slasher?!
For your information,this site is still under heavy constructions. If you wanna grab or use anything from here,make sure you mail me first before you do. But if you're just lazy to then,go ahead and use 'em but remember to link me and give me credit,ok? Thanks!
Why Do I Admire/Like Kenshin?
Huh? Oro? Me?!
Please go here for further informations on why I admire/like Kenshin. Also a lil' bit on Sano too. Infact,it's about the 2 Anime guys who I liked and admired most. But it's mainly focused on Kenshin-san since Sano already has one^^.
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