Sao Paulo
time hour

Sao Paulo Brazil time right now

What time is it in Sao Paulo Brazil?




Brazil has three time zones. The coast, including Rio de Janeiro, Salvador,São Paulo and Brasilia, is in one time zone. The ranching states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, the Pantanal, and the Ama- zon around Manaus are in the second time zone, 1 hour behind Sao Paulo. The third time zone includes the state of Acre and the western part of the Amazon, 2 hours behind Sao Paolo.
The time difference between cities in Brazil and North America varies by up to 2 hours over the course of the year as clocks spring forward and fall back for daylight saving time. From approximately March to September Sao Paulo is in the same time zone as New York City.

BUSINESS HOURS Sao Paulo stores are usually open from 9am to 7pm weekdays, 9am to 2pm on Saturdays. Most places close on Sundays. Small stores may close for lunch.
Shopping centers are open Monday through Saturday from 10am to 8pm most places, though in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo they often stay open until 10pm. On Sundays many malls open the food court and movie theaters all day, but mall shops will only open from 2 to 8pm.
Banks are open Monday through Friday either from 10am to 4pm or from 9am to 3pm.

Everything is enormous in Sao Paulo. Everything is “or mais grande do mundo” in this fascinating city where 18 million people live.


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