Character Info
PRUE HALLIWELL:  Prue was the oldest of the three witch sisters, with the powers of telekinesis and astral projection. She grew up under the care of her grandmother, Grams, (Penny Halliwell) with her sisters, Piper and Phoebe, when their mother was killed by a water demon when they were young. She originally worked at a museum, but quit when she found out that her fiance and boss Roger, was a jerk. She worked at Buckland's, an auction house, after that, then got back in touch with her dream of becoming a photographer and quit. However, this dream will be cut short when Prue dies next season, the victim of a demon attack.

PIPER HALLIWELL:   Piper is the middle sister, with the power to freeze and speed up molecules. She used to work at a bank, and after Grams died she and Prue shared an apartment. When they inherited the old Manor, they moved back in there with Phoebe. She is a natural chef, the best at making potions, but never had the chance to own her own restaraunt. Instead, she worked as the manager of the Quake, until she opened her own club, P3, with the help of Prue and Phoebe.

PHOEBE HALLIWELL:   The youngest of the sisters, Phoebe is prone to be the most spirited and rambuncious of the trio.  She has the power of premonitions and levitation. She was only two when her mother died, leaving her and her sisters to be raised by her grandmother, Grams. Phoebe became very rebelious through her teens and early twenties, and when Grams died she moved to New York to be with her father. Finding nothing to keep her there, and the yrge to return to her sisters, she went back to San Francisco. She discovered the Book of Shadows in the attic, which gave the three their powers.

PAIGE HALLIWELL:   Paige Halliwell is the daughter of Patty Halliwell and Sam, her whitelighter. She was the product of a relationship that happened between the two after Patty and the Charmed Ones' father, Victor, divorced. She kept her last name, Halliwell, since Grams once said, "the women keep their names in this family." She was sent away at birth for her protection , and the protection of the Charmed Ones. She will be introduced in the fourth season after Prue dies due to an attack from the Source's Assassin.

LEO WYATT:   Leo Wyatt is the Charmed Ones' Whitelighter, who become a whitelighter when he died in World War II. He had posed as their handyman origianlly, when he was assigned to be their Guide. He and Piper fell in love and became engaged, but the Source of Good forbade it until Piper and Leo proved that the love they had for each other would not get in the way of their job to protect the innocent. They were married, and now live together with Phoebe in the Manor.

COLE TURNER:  Cole is half human, half demon. His father was killed by his mother, who was the demon half of his messed up family. When he worked for the Source, his name was Balthazar. He was assigned the job to kill the Charmed Ones, but his human half took over and he fell in love with Phoebe.  Phoebe had to pretend to vanquish him, but really did not since she still loved him herself. They kept their affair a secret from the evil side, until the brotherhood found out and tried to have him killed. When that failed, they turned Phoebe against him by forcing him to kill another witch by casting a spell on him. At first Phoebe doubted him, but then vowed to reverse the spell that the brother hood had placed on him. She went down to the underworld and reversed it, nut then became stuck when her sisters were exposed to the world.

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