Season Two Memorable Quotes

2.01 "Witch Trial"

*Piper: Demons now, drooling later.

*Phoebe: When in Rome...
Piper: No, No! We're not in Rome, Phoebe! We're in California. It's illegal here.

*Phoebe: That's it, we're screwed.
Piper: And we're out of wine.

*Phoebe: And we didn't even have to get naked.

2.02 "Morality Bites"

*Phoebe: What did you buy?
Piper: Doody.
Prue: We weren't out of that.
Piper: No, I stepped in it again. That man has turned our front walk into a puppy minefield.

*Piper: The old 'I gotta save the world' excuse.
Leo: Like you've never had to use it.
Piper: ahhhh....
Leo: You're about to use it.

*Phoebe: Why does everyone think I killed someone? I wouldn't. I mean, I couldn't. What did I do? Premonition the man to death?

*Piper: Were we happy? Just for a little while, were we happy?
Leo: Very.

2.03 "The Painted World"

*Prue: I don't obessess. I think... intently.

*Piper: You're like 'ask'.'

*Piper: She's a walking brain trust, She's an Einstein with cleavage.

*Phoebe: The human reproductive system? Wait, and your Uncle wanted Piper to help you with this?

2.04 "The Devil's Music"

*Leo: We have to talk.
Piper: You bet your whitelighter ass we do.

*Piper: Okay, where is it?
Phoebe: Where is what?
Piper: The spoonful of sugar big enough to hide that thing?

*Piper: You have time for baseball, but you don't have time to tell me about you-know-what before you-know-who shows up at you-know-where?

*Piper: I wish I could just stuff his head in a toilet and make him cough up the demon.
Phoebe: Oh, honey, still upset about Leo?
Piper: I'm talking about Carlton

2.05 "She's A Man, Baby, A Man!"

*Piper: Prue, please come out.
Prue: not until you reverse this spell.
Phoebe: Come on, it's been over an hour already. (to Piper) Do you think she's touching herself?

*Prue/Manny: i don't know. I was trying to use it (her power)and it didn't work. And then it felt like I was, uh...
Phoebe: Impotent?
Prue/Manny: You know, A little word of advice about men, Phoebe. When we fail at something, generally we don't like to hear that we're...
Phoebe: Impotent?
Prue/Manny: Yeah!

*Phoebe: Great. We're dealing with a sensative man-killing demon,

2.06 "That Old Black Magic"

*Phoebe: Tuatha? Who wouldn't go bad with a name like that?

*Dan: Don't you have some other house to repair?
Leo: No.

2.07 "They're Everywhere"

*Prue: (thinking) Great, we're surrounded by warlocks.
Piper: (thinking) yeah, next time get your own damn lipstick.

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