Shannen Maria Doherty was born on April 12, 1971 in Memphis, Tennessee. When she was seven, her father, Tom Doherty, her mother, Rosa Doherty, and her brother, Sean Doherty (born in 1967), moved to Los Angeles. As a child, Shannen was always outgoing. She always participated in school plays and earned good grades, she was also a very solitary child. She preferred being by herself rather than playing with other children. Shannen's first role was as Drusilla Shannon when she guest starred on "Father Murphy". Michael Landon discovered her after viewing this episode and cast her as Jenny Wilder when she was 11 years old in the series, "Little House: A New Beginning". She then went on to star in the series "Our House" with Wilford Brimley and Deidre Hall. Moving effortlessly between TV and film, Shannen starred in the teen comedy "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"with Helen Hunt and Sarah Jessica Parker. In 1989, Shannen starred with Christian Slaterand Winona Ryder in the black comedy "Heathers", which was a big success. In 1990, she got the part of Brenda Walsh in Aaron Spelling's teened drama "Beverly Hills, 90210". As 90210 and Shannen became more popular, Shannen's personal life began to spin out of control. Her every move was printed in the tabloids, and it was usually very exaggerated. After four years on 90210, Shannen decided to leave the show, but the tabloids claimed she was fired. It was later learned that it was a mutual agreement between Shannen and Spelling. After leaving 90210, Shannen kept a low personal profile but kept on working on other projects such as "Almost Dead" and the critically acclaimed "Mall Rats", directed by Kevin Smith. Doherty also won rave reviews for her performance as the famous "Gone With The Wind" author in the television movie "A Burning Passion: The Margaret Mitchell Story". She also starred opposite Antonio Sabato Jr. in "Jailbreakers", which was directed by William Friedkin. She also starred in the miniseries "Gone In The Night" and "Robert Kennedy and HIs Times", as well as the TV movies "Sleeping With The Devil", "The Ticket", and "Friends 'Til The End". In 1998, Shannen was cast as Prue Halliwell in Aaron Spelling's new television show "Charmed" with newcomers Lori Rom and Holly Marie Combs. Lori Rom, who was originally cast as Phoebe Halliwell, backed out of the show at the last minute and "Melrose Place" star Alyssa Milano, was cast in her place. Tabloids stated that Alyssa and Shannedn were bitter enemies, and both originally denied the story, but soon the tension on the set caused Shannen to make her decision to leave yet another show. She will be replaced by Rose McGowan, who will play the Halliwell's long-lost half sister, in the beginning of the fourth season.   (Most Copied From The Shannen Doherty Shrine)
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