Warning: This story, as of now, contains only alludes to a homosexual relationship. In future chapters, there will be graphic slash written, so don't get hooked now if you don't like that kind of stuff.
Disclaimer: (probably the only one I've ever done) I do not own Leo or Wyatt, I do however, own Brian and the plot line. Leo and Lillian belong to Aaron Spelling and the WB network. I am making no profit from this story, and do not intend to make profit from it in the future. Don't bother suing me.
"This is just something that I have to do."
Leo straightened his military green tie and flattened the pleats in his shirt with the palms of his hands. The Red Cross emblem that adorned his arm stretched over his bicep as he enveloped his wife in a warm embrace. "It's my duty to my country, Lillian. I need you to understand that."
Lillian wiped her nose with her embroidered handkerchief and sniffled into the crisp polyester jacket that husband wore. She ran her hand over the patch on his chest that bared his name proudly. "I do understand,"; she whispered into the lapels of his standard issue uniform. "I just don't understand why you have to go now. I'm sure the army has plenty of willing medics. You could die out there with those rotten Germans and I don't know if I'll ever see you again."
Leo kissed the top of her head and squeezed her tightly against him. "I'll be back, I promise."
"Don't make promises that you can't keep, Leo. Hasn't your mother taught you anything?"
He smiled and nodded, pushing her away from him gently so he could look into her eyes. "Alright, then. I'll try my very best to come back to you. This isn't goodbye, it's just so long, see you tomorrow. I swear, you won't even know that I ever left. I?ll write you every week, I'll send you my pay. Don't worry about me. I'll be with Rick and Nathan. How much trouble could I get into?"
Lillian grinned and kissed him passionately. "You just stay away from the Germans, Leo. I want to be a wife, not a widow."
Leo looked up as there was a honking of a horn outside his small house. He glanced out the window to see Greg and Nathan wearing the same uniform that he had, except they had no Medic band over their arm. There was cheering and hooting as his neighbors saw the two patriotic boys in the green pickup truck on the street.
"Go kill those Nazi bastards, boys!"
"God bless you!"
"Hurry home!"
Leo looked back at Lillian, and for the first time saw the tears that were welling up in her eyes. "I love you, Leo," she said.
"I'll be back," was his only reply, and kissed her again before running out the door to his friends. He didn't look back, afraid that he would see the hurt look on her face.
A great explosion shook the ground beneath his feet as Leo staggered among the bodies that were scattered through the field. A land mine burst somewhere to his left and he grimaced as he heard six more of his comrades scream their last words. His uniform was covered in blood, although none of it was his own. He had had to sit there and watch the members of his brigade had died in the medical tent, alone and crying for their mothers and wives as they bled out onto the dry, French soil. All around him, the shouts were more deafening then the gun fire and the explosions.
"God, help me!"
"Make it stop, Lord, please just make the pain go away!"
"Leo, please!"
The medic snapped his head up from the ground where he had fallen to see a hand reach up from a trench twenty yards away. He gasped as he recognized the thick leather wristband that Brian had been wearing they had enlisted together just a few weeks before. He saw his friends hand contort in pain and he heard another cry. "Leo, where are you?!" Leo crawled through the pock-marked meadow and threw himself into the hole as another round of mortar fire struck the earth behind him. He looked up and saw Brian on his back, one hand in the air while the other clutched his chest. He leapt up and pulled a package of bandages from his satchel as he knelt on the ground next to the other man.
"Hold on, baby," Leo whispered into his ear as he kissed him lightly on the forehead. "I'm here now. You're going to be okay, I promise."
Brian groaned and tried to reach for Leo's hand, but he couldn't move. Leo pursed his lips anxiously as he moved Brian's hand from his chest, then clenched his teeth as he saw the large shrapnel shard that was embedded deep into the left side of his chest. Leo balled his hands into fists and breathed deeply, trying to remain calm as he took the bandages and put them on Brian's stomach. The man screamed as Leo pulled at the scrap of thick metal, yanking it from his chest in one quick motion. Leo's heart leapt into his throat as Brian shot his hand out and grabbed his elbow.
"Don't?.bother, Leo," he managed to gasp as a trickle of blood fell from the corner of his mouth. "It-it's over for m-me. Go save someone?else."
"No! I'm not leaving you! I love you, damn it!" Leo unrolled the clean white bandages that were in such short supply and tried to press it to Brian's wound, but the soldier pushed his hands away.
"Stop being so fucking stubborn, Wyatt!" he cried through clenched teeth. "I'm d-dying! Jus?just do like I say! Get out there and? and s-save the guys! Go find Gr-Greg and Nathan. For once, just do as I ask!"
Leo controlled the sob that tried to escape his lips, pressing his hand to his mouth. "I can't leave you like this, Bri. Please don't make me do it."
Brian's blue lips trembled, his clammy hands putting a vice-like grip on Leo's wrist. "P-Please don't make me watch you watching me die. I don't want you to remember me like this. I love you too much, Leo. Just go."
His fingers loosened from around Leo's arm and he turned away, coughing up a quarter-sized clot of blood onto the dirt. Leo backed away from his lover slowly as he realized what he had to do. A tear slipped down his cheek as he stood and ran down the trench line, avoiding the spray of rocks the showered down him as another bomb detonated above his head. All the cries that he had drowned out while he was sitting with Brian flooded his ears then, engulfing him in a sea of other people's pain. He ran to the first man that he saw who was still moving and went to work on the large hole in his leg. All around him guns were firing and men were dying, calling out to whatever god they prayed to to save them from the hell that they had found themselves in.
What am I doing here? he thought to himself. I could be home, I could be with Lillian, I wouldn't have had to watch the love if my life die in the trenches. Damn it, why did I come here?! He pressed the bandage meant for Brian roughly onto the bullet hole in the wounded soldier's leg. He screamed and lashed out, but Leo rolled away before the blow was delivered. A whizzing from behind him drew his attention away from the man on the ground, and he turned his head in time to see a large ball of metal slam into the earth, and send a large cloud of rocks and metal spiraling toward him. He shouted and ducked his head down, shielding the soldier from the debris. He felt a sharp bite into his back and he gasped as his vision was enveloped in darkness.
Cole Turner raised his glass and toasted the battle with thirteen other members of the German army not one hour later. He took a long sip of the fizzing champagne that tickled his nose as he drank. The men around him spoke in their thick German tongue, bragging about how their platoons killed more Americans than anyone else's. Cole sat back and listened to their arrogant bluster with interest, playing his "drunken officer" bit all to well in a room full of intoxicated Generals and Captains. They barely acknowledged him as they flitted about the room, baring the guns that they had taken from their soldiers who had stolen them from dead US fighters. Cole felt at home in their company, a horde of greedy, pigheaded, Anti-Semitic nazis. God, he loved being there. He was free to use his powers in public, without fear of exposure. The Source had, of course, made a deal with Hitler in order for him to win the war. Hitler had demon spies in the American camps, and demon officers to whip his cowardly nazis-in-training into shape, while the Source had a powerful ally and servant on earth. The deal had seemed perfect at the time, but the number of winning battles were becoming far and few between. The Source was worried, and that was what Cole was there for. To assess the damage and determine whether or not Hitler could hold up his end of the bargain.
Cole watched as an Admiral who had had a few too many lagers staggered between two higher officers to sit down next to him. "You vill go to zee American campsh, Belthazor," the drunkard said, using the demon name his mother had given him when she had taken him into the underworld. "You can get all zee information zhat vee need to destoy zee enemy armies. Da?"
Cole nodded and patted the Admiral on the shoulder. "Da. Yes, sir." He stood and began to leave, trying to find another person who wasn't so inebriated to talk to. The Admiral grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, yanking his body down so that Cole's ear was even with the Admiral's mouth.
"Your partner is vaiting for you in your room, Captain Turner. He said to tell you zat he vill not vait all night."
Cole grinned and pulled away, eager to hear from the man he'd been lusting after for over a month. He went into a corner and shimmered away, leaving the drunken Admiral to pass out on the thick mahogany table.
The plush suite was lit solely with five candles, one for each week that they had been apart. Cole wandered into the room silently and watched the flames that surrounded the bed dance across his lover's immaculate face. His thin eyebrows raised slightly as Cole began to unbutton his shirt. He threw it onto the floor and hesitated for a moment, staring into the other man's face before leaping into the bed and wrapping his arms around him. "God, I've missed you!"
"And I you," he replied, placing his hands on top of Cole's as they pressed themselves onto his bare chest. "It's so long between visits with you, Belthazor. I don't know what to do with myself once you leave."
"Come on, Proxi. You know exactly what to do with yourself. You would just rather that I did it for you." Cole grinned and nuzzled Proxi's neck, dragging his lips over the man's soft flesh.
"Of course I do. I love you, and I can't stand it when you leave me alone in this musty old apartment." Proxi snuggled closer to Cole's chest, wrapping one ankle around his lover's leg.
Cole inhaled through his teeth, making a reluctant hissing noise as he pulled his arms away and sat up. "I hate to tell you this, then."
Proxi pulled himself up right and glared at Cole. "No, wait, don't tell me," he said sarcastically. He pressed two fingers to his temple as though he was deep in thought, then popped his eyes open. "I've got it! You're going away again, and it's unavoidable, and you'll be back in a few weeks. Am I close?"
Cole shrugged and nodded. "That's pretty much it. Are you upset with me?
"Am I upset? Am I upset?! Oh, I'm a little more than upset!" Proxi growled and lowered his head, his entire body morphing into that of a beast. He had a man's body with skin the color of night, and streaks of deep blue lining his face arms. "Damn it, Belthazor! I didn't want it to end like this."
Cole remained calm, staring up at the giant with warm eyes. "It doesn't have to. After this, it's over for me. I'm getting out. I'm going to talk to the Source tomorrow. I promise."
"Ah, you and your promises. What use have I for the promises of a demon? You and I both know that neither of us can be trusted farther than we can be thrown. Stop trying to make it seem otherwise." Proxi got to his feet and paced the room. "It's over Belthazor. I mean it this time. If you go, don't expect me here when you get back to nurse you back to health. I'm sick of it."
Cole gulped and grimaced at the prospect of losing his lover. "Proxi, please, this is it, I swear! After just one more  week, we can be together forever! Just one more week, that?s all!"
"No more weeks, Belthazor. No more days, no more hours. If I come back here tomorrow and you're not here, then I won't be sticking around to wait. It's your choice. Us, or them." Proxi turned his back on Cole and began walking towards the door. Just before he was about to run into it, he flamed from the room, leaving Cole alone and torn between his duty and his love.

Part 2

Part 3
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