Sasami's Shrine of Cuteness!

Welcome to Sasami's Shrine of Cuteness! Please enjoy your stay!

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Tsunami Fever!

Aloha! You have successfully stumbled onto our little corner of the internet where everything celebrates (and practically worships) Sasami! Welcome to Sasami's Shrine of Cuteness, a great place on the web to find information on Sasami, Tsunami, Pretty Sammy, and Tenchi Muyo in general. Why Sasami? Because Sasami is talented, smart, responsible, and is irresistably cute. We have a variety of sections, from fan works to multimedia! But now that you're here, please sit back and enjoy this site! Let us guide you through. So come and climb into Ryo-Ohki (a 100% effecient form of transportation) and we'll take you on a tour through the world of Sasami!


April 18, 2003
UPDATE: April 18, 2003 at 1:54 PM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute!

Earlier this week, Manga World did me a huge favor and helped me fix some errors I had on some of the pages of the site. Thank you Manga World!

Now, I'm ready to make a semi-large update. Three new beautiful fanarts have been added to the fanart page, submitted by Kim Wyatt. She submitted them a few months back so I'm sorry for the delay in posting them up. I also messed around a little with the links page.

On my last update, I redid half the site in a new, CSS based layout. I promised by the next layout, almost the entire site would have been redone in this layout. Well, I came through. Every part of this site except for some archive pages have been redone in this layout. I'm proud of myself for doing that. Hehe.

Ja ne!

March 09, 2003
UPDATE: March 09, 2003 at 5:41 PM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute!

With this update comes some fine tuning of the website. I added a tribute to Achika, Tenchi Masaki's mother and Sasami's niece. Achika is my second favorite character in Tenchi Muyo, right after Sasami (if you're wondering, my third favorite is Katsuhito/Yosho). I also finally got around to fixing a couple of broken links on the website. I also put up the Quiz page, which I started on a while ago but never really finished. It's an unfinished section, so beware. Updated the links as well.

Lastly, I finally redid roughly half of the site in a new, CSS based layout. By the next update, almost the entire site will be done in this layout. You need a browser that supports CSS to view this layout, though the layout stresses backwards compatibility (meaning earlier versions of browsers will run the page safely, though less fancy). Previously, the site was done in several different variations of the same layout. The new layout works in the newest version of Opera.

Please avoid using Netscape 4.x with this layout. It breaks the site apart very badly. Consider upgrading (or if you can't upgrade, downgrade). Sorry for the inconvenience, but I've had it with Communicator 4.x's buggy CSS support.

Finally, if you've sent me fanart in the past couple of months, I have probably received it. I just haven't posted it yet. I guarantee that it will be posted by the next update, sorry.

Ja ne!

February 26, 2003
UPDATE: February 26, 2002 at 08:55 PM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute!

Sorry for the lack of updates.I'll be adding some stuff here pretty soon. I'm reoptimizing the website to its best and most dynamic form well as its smalest. Hehehehe, you'll see. I'll be updating soon, I promise!

Ja ne!

December 23, 2002
UPDATE: December 23, 2002 at 11:53 PM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute!

I made a new layout! Well semi-new. Layout version 4.something (or maybe 5.0 idk). This should help the site look a little better in IE. However in doing so I somehow made the site look like **** in Opera. Works fine in Mozilla and Netscape 7.x though. I also finished the Ayeka page. It can be accessed through the "other characters" page. Enjoy!

Ja ne!

October 16, 2002
UPDATE: October 16, 2002 at 9:39 PM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute!

I finished the Ryoko page. It can be accessed through the "other characters" page. Enjoy!

I will be altering the existing layout soon. I don't particularly like this current layout since it takes a long while to load. I'll be getting rid of many elements that many people don't take advantage of. In the meanwhile, enjoy my update!

Ja ne!

October 08, 2002
UPDATE: October 8, 2002 at 10:31 PM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute!

Nope, I'm not dead. Nope, I don't expect anyone to be reading this. I'm actually updating? Wow. Well...this is a short update, but I do expect to soon be returning to my pre-2002 schedule of updating at least twice a month. This update, I've added the "other characters" page. Apparently Manga World has once again fallen off the face of the earth (not that I'm any better), but I should be returning to this site more often from now on. I'd still like to "merge" the site with Jaecie's, but I realize that'll be impossible since mine is in HTML and CSS while hers is made by a site builder. Idk. But yeah. On the "other characters" page you'll find profiles on other characters and their relationships with Sasami. After all, this is a Sasami shrine. Right now, only Tenchi is up, but more characters are following as you'll see.
     I've also removed the web poll. See no point in it anymore. May bring it back in a more permanent form.

If you'll notice, on the new page I put up (Tenchi's), the background scrolling won't work if you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is because I built the page through Mozilla Composer 1.01 because I got lazy. I might make it MSIE compatible again later. I'm just lazy now. And finally watch for a new layout update soon...don't expect anything too drastic.

Ja ne!

May 31, 2002
UPDATE: May 31, 2002 at 12:27 PM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute!

Aloha! And how are you doing on this severely hot Hawaiian day? Well, I've got an actual update for you again. Click here for the best bishoujo you've ever seen! Yeah, I caught more bishoujo, so I updated the page. Uhhhhh the page will probably take a while to load unless you have broadband so I'm sorry.

Ja ne!

May 24, 2002
UPDATE: May 24, 2002 at 2:29 AM Hawai'i Time posted by Oz

Hi! Sasami is cute! update that is actually within a week of the previous one...that hasn't happened...since like January or something. Anyway, I put the poll back up. This is, however, a joint poll between this and my other website so there may be more votes. Oh, and if you missed it in my previous update, here's a plugin for my friend Karina's anime website.

Ja ne!

Looking for previous updates? Click here.

Hey, what are you doing down here? There's nothing to see here, can you not see it is just a gag? Go home!

Copyright © 2000-2003 Sasami's Shrine of Cuteness. All rights reserved. All material on this site is by either the webmaster, fan contributors, or used from other sites with permission. Therefore, please ask the webmaster(s) if you want to use the images on your own websites. DON'T YOU DARE USE IT WITHOUT PERMISSION!!! Sasami and all other related Tenchi Muyo! media are ™ and © of Anime International Company(AIC), Pioneer, and some other people I can't remember right now, and this site is not recognized nor authorized by them. No copyright infringement is intended. Please don't sue me, because I am not rich and it isn't worth it!
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