Xx El HeFe xX (Preston)
Ok, so this is Preston. He likes NOFX and mohawks and AFI and a bunch of other shit too. But that isn't important. He plays guitar. 

Name: P-nut, Preston, Gremlin, Hefe, P-man, fag.
Age: 19 (but seems 6)
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: Now that's none of your goddamn business!
(He's 220 lbs.)
Style: Punk rawk / Thrash
Enjoys: unicorns and boobs
Fav. Band: N O F X
Instruments used: Gibson Les Paul SG guitar,  Peavy 212 combo amp, and a brand spankin' new Digitech RP 100.
Quote: "Fongafluff."
Analysis: Wow, what a fucked up kid. He eats, sleeps, gets drunk and plays guitar in a punk rock band. In a few years, this kid will win the presidential election...you just watch!
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