Okay, this is NOT a skullfucks story, but it happend when our good friends The Dilapidated, The Grand Prixx, The Proteens, The Peabodys, Charlie Brown Gets a Valentine, and Fist Her Face 55 all went on tour. It all started in a small bar with a familiar name...

     I almost never drink and normally avoid bars at all costs, but one night I decided to go get really drunk at Cheers and be social for one night. After smoking lots of kind bud, my friends Jay, Katie, and a bunch of other girls took a taxi to the bar from school.I avoided all others besides my friends  at Cheers, and faithfully started on my goal to get very VERY wasted, buying quarter beers, then a bunch of $3 pitchers, all of which I drank myself. More weed was smoked, thanks to a girl who had a blunt with her, and thanks to me, who was not-so-inconspicuously smoking weed weed in the corner inside Cheers, too. So I was pretty (VERY) fucked up, excusing my uncharacteristic behavior that night.
     Apparently at one point I put my arm around some random girl that was with us that I didn't really know at all, and tried to kiss her. She walked away, for some strange reason not wanting to make out with an incoherent, drunken/stoned punk kid, but I started to follow her.  I remember Jay telling me to calm down, but I don't remember trying to kiss her; she understands I was drunk, though, and no harm was done. Cheers was about to close anyway, so shortly thereafter we hopped a taxi and left. I can't remember anything at all from this point on until I woke up in a hospital bed the next morning... it's all second-hand information.
     I puked in the taxi, where the driver thankfully waived the $20 vomit fee, which stopped somewhere for me to puke some more.I sat down on the curb and told them to "just go on without me," then I vomited again and and laid down on the ground. Jay needed to drag me back in the cab so we could get back to campus. We got dropped off right near their dorm, where I proceeded to lay dowm on the ground , wanting them to let me sleep there. I puked AGAIN, and Jay told me to wipe it on my clothes or in my hair, so I immediately spiked up my hair with the vomit conviently covering my hands. As a result of the commotion from Jay trying to get me up, an RA from a nearby dorm came out to see what was going on. He bent down to see if I was okay, and I said to him "It's okay Mr. Cop, I'm just a little bit fucked up right now. I'll be fine in a little while." He told me he was calling an ambulance to come get me (I said "cool") and they took me to the hospital on a stretcher. Real cops came too, but God knows what I said to them.

     At some point during the night, I apparently ripped the IV out of my arm and wandered around the hospital with no shoes on, blood dripping all over everything.  The nurse said they followed the trail of blood and found me standing in some random place with a dazed look on my face, staring and bleeding profusely. I finally woke up at about 7:00 in the morning, with that dreaded "OH Shit, what in the FUCK did I do last night..."  feeling. One side of my pants were black from trying to sleep on the road, the other side had trails of blood running down it.  I asked a receptionist if I could use a phone, called a taxi, put on my shoes, and left.

     As I was walking out to my taxi, two nurses come running out after me screaming "YOU CAN'T LEAVE!!! YOU HAVE DRUGS IN YOUR SYSTEM!!! YOU HAVE DRUGS IN YOUR SYSTEM!!!" They grabbed meby the arms because I continued to walk towards the cab (I was no longer drunk and I wanted to leave) and told me I had to sign a release form, angrily asking me why they had found cannibus and amphetamines in my bloodstream. I said sorry, explained that I smoke weed and take ephedrine every day, and signed the form, hoping they didn't send my parents a bill for it. They said my BAC was .15, pretty low for how fucked up I was, but it certainly was the most fucked up I've ever been. I was taking Paxil for social phobia and depression at the time, and I suspect that has something to do with it.

     I never told my parents about this (for obvious reasons), and I hoped/assumed they would never find out. I thought the hospitalization was free, and I don't remember giving out any information to anyone. Well, my assumption was WRONG, of course, and I realized this while checking my messages one day and found my mother asking me why she had a hospital bill for $785.00. I had to tell her what happened; she wasn't that pissed that I got too drunk, she was   mad I didn't have an insurance card or something in my wallet. I guess her insurance will cover my idiocy though, so it all worked out okay, I guess...
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