Claire squeezed his hand harder.
" husband. But I couldn't anyways. How awful is it is it to never trust the one you should trust most? Sydney...god... I thought better of you. And you don't even care" Cyn said.
"No, no! I do care! I just Cyn....I love him. If I didn't I would of never put you through this. I just...Cyn, George I don't know what to say....I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused" Sydney said in tears as she sunk to the floor.
"And Claire and Paul. The rest of my best friends, You knew! All along and you didn't tell me" Cyn said.
"I couldn't do that to you. And wasn't our place to..." Claire said.
"John....Sydney. God...John and Sydney..." Cyn said and left.
Claire jumped up and ran after her. Paul walked to the door.
"Poor Julian...poor Stu..." Paul said looking back at John.
George took a folded up peice of paper out of his pocket and balled it up.
"Sydney I loved you, I was planning on spending the rest of my life with you. You were my everything, and I used to not know how to function without you. But now I will just have to learn..." George said as he threw the paper down on the floor and walked calmly out of the room.
Sydney and John looked over at each other. Sydney picked up the paper that rolled towards her. She opened it slowly and her and John read it.
"Something in the way she moves. Attracts me like no other lover. Something in the way she woos me. I don't want to leave her now. You know I believe her now" Sydney read aloud.
"Shit..." John said trailing off.
They were both silent. Sydney balled the paper up and dropped it on the floor.
"John....what do we do?" Sydney asked.
"We should probably get the divorce papers filed as soon as possible" John said after a moment.
"Where do we live?" Sydney asked with a chocked sob.
"Well we'll buy a London...maybe close to Paul and Claire...or..." John said.
Just then Claire walked back in with Stu in her arms. Sydney took Stu, but both women were silent. Claire walked back out after shooting a weak smile at Sydney. Sydney held Stu tightly.    
"Our happy family" Sydney said weakly.
"Well it is a family...." John said.
John and Sydney walked outside. Paul was seated outside on the step.
"Why are you still here Macca?" John asked.
"I couldn't just leave you guys can't just ignore this situation..." Paul said.
"What do we do to make this better?" Sydney pleaded to Paul.
"I don't know...I truly don't know" Paul said shaking his head.
The following day, George and John both submitted the divorce papers. John found a house in the same neighbourhood as Paul and Claire, so he bought it. He went back to his old house and took only his nesesseties and left, only pausing to tell Julian he was sorry. Sydney went by her old house, all of her clothes and things were on the front hallway. She quickly threw them in her car. She didn't see any sign of George so she went back into her old bedroom. She grabbed some of the things George had forgotten and then quickly left, glad she hadn't seen George.
At the new house, John was setting up some of the things he had gotten back.
"George had thrown all of my stuff on the floor" Sydney said as she walked in the house with a big box.
"What an ass"  John muttered.
They were both silent for awhile as they both went into the bedroom and put all of their clothes into the closet.
"I suppose we'll need a bed and a few other peices of furniture" Sydney said sighing.
"Yeah, I have one of those mail order catologues in the kitchen. We'll look at it after we eat dinner" John said
Later that week in the recording studio...
"And I want Stu" George said.
"He's not yours..."John said.
"You don't know that..he could be" George said.
  They decided not to bring any of the wives in order to try and keep the atmosphere less wasn't working.
"Look, mates, let's just record and we'll worry about everything else later.."Paul suggested.
"Don't call me mate,"George said.
"Oh come off it"John said.
"Anyway..let's record...umm..John what song?" Paul asked.
"How about...Bungallo Bill?" John suggested.
They played awile, but nothing they produced sounded nice.
"Ummm George, could you try an F instead?" JOhn asked.
"WHatever you say"George said. "Backstabing tratior" he added quieter.
"Look, George, don't be such a bastard. Just play your little part and
all will be well," John said.
"Yes yes, just do whatever John says and everyone will be happy" George said.
"Ok, let's keep our snide little comments to ourselves." John said.
"Because the wife stealer dosen't wanna put up with it," George said.
"Look George..just yell at me...then maybe you can stop being such a bloody
jerk and we can be professional" John said,.
next chapter
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