WWF Rankings

It's time, once again, to rank the WWF superstars. For the unintiated, this is where yours truly decides who is tops in the WWF according to the criteria of ring ability, mic ability, pop, current storyline, and title situation. Feel free to respond, even to challenge my rulings. The previous ranking for each superstar is shown in parenthesis.

Posted on December 2nd, 2000

1. (1) The Rock- I considered dropping Rocky since he hasn't been involved in the most intriguing matchups of late, but his Thanksgiving bit was classic! Plus, I don't think anyone else has risen to take the spot of the most popular man in wrestling.

2. (2) HHH- Triple H has come close. His performance at Survivor Series once again illustrates that The Game is the best actor in the biz. In fact, from the wrestling side of the biz alone, HHH is the best. The Rock edges him out for being the best celebrity.

3. (4) Kurt Angle- He may not have paid his dues, but Angle has deserved everything he's gotten. We all know about his wrestling ability, but how about his persona? Monday could have just as well been called "Raw is Angle", he carried that show.

4. (3) Stone Cold Steve Austin- I know I come down hard on this guy a lot (his lack of wrestling ability, his one-trick pony promos) but in his tirade on Stephanie McMahon and his wrestling demonstration on RAW, he gets my begrudging respect (even though he dropped a position).

5. (5) Undertaker- This guy is little more than 3 moves and a catchphrase, but give him credit: you don't stick around 10 years in this show without adapting, and Taker does just that. Every 6 months he gets a new catchphrase.

6. (8) Rikishi- I don't really think Rikishi should be ranked this high, but the WWF is really trying to turn him into a main event heel, so he gets thrown into the title picture. (Although really, does anyone think he has a chance at winning?). Mainly I ranked him #6 just for the symmetry of the PPV main event.

7. (6) Chris Jericho- This guy should be much higher, but for some reason the WWF doesn't think so. Only Rock and Austin get more pop than Y2J, so put him over already! Smart move keeping him out of the 6 man "Hell in the Cell" though, this way they can have two headliner matches.

8. (7) Chris Benoit- Or maybe three if Benoit isn't fighting Jericho. I've always had a soft spot for Benoit (fellow Edmontonian, superb wrestler), I just didn't think he could ever pull off a character. This is what Vince does, he puts his talent in a position to succeed.

9. (12) Lita- Why so high? (Other than the fact that I'm in love?) I'll tell you why. Her gutsy performance at Survivor Series after inadvertantly getting juiced was the stuff of legend. Plus, you'd have to be dumb, deaf and blind if you haven't noticed the pop she's been getting lately.

10. (10) "The One" Billy Gunn- Call McMahon a ruthless, bloodsucker if you want (he is), but he takes care of his people. Billy gets hurt and then comes back and is thrown right back in the mix. Okay maybe McMahon only takes care of those he can make money off of.

11. (14) Mick Foley- Some may think this is a little high for a non-wrestler, but I'm surprised he's this low (and I'm writing this thing)! Except for his utter disrespect for his own well-being, Foley was never much of a wrestler. But near the end, his work on the stick was some of the best parts of RAW. Now we get all his mic work without cringing at the inhumane beatings.

12. (11) Kane- Every promotion needs a Kane: a physically intimidating presence who people respond to, who you never have to worry about winning important matches. He's a main-event temp.

13. (13) Eddie Guerrero- How would you have liked to be in the meeting where they said to Guerrero: "Eddie, first we're going to take away all your pop by seperating you from Chyna. Then your going to have to share your heat with Saturn and Malenko. Sound good?" Oh well, at least he's ahead of Chyna on the list for the first time ever.

14. (9) Chyna- Uhhh... where is Chyna? I'm sure she's off promoting something or getting an implant fixed.

15. (15) Steve Blackman- Holding steady at 15 is the man with no personality. Call me crazy, but feuding with Tiger Ali Singh and Low Down can't be a high-water mark for anybody's career.

16. (18) William Regal- Regal is actually getting a semi-push, and he might even deserve it. Jobbing to the Rock, then beating Scottie 2 Hottie clean, that's something. For now, however, he merely fulfills the old WWF standby- foreigner we hate.

17. (-) Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley- The WWF just isn't the same without a McMahon around and with HHH back as THE heel in the WWF, Stephanie can return to her Queen Bitch ways.

18. (-) Hardcore Holly- I don't get it, and maybe someone can explain it to me, but how does Bob Holly keep getting good face time (nevermind beating a far superior talent like Raven)?

19. (-) Molly Holly- She has already outshone her "cousins", so it shouldn't be long before she "Lita's" those losers like their names were Essa Rios.

20. (-) Michael Cole- It is the hype-machine led by announcers like Michael Cole that have put the WWF on top. Don't believe me? Try watching the WCW (on second thought, don't). Seriously, I'm just using this space to promote the Michael Cole Appreciation Page @ http://www.michaelcole.co.uk/, you have to check it out. It is the funniest wrestling-themed web page I've ever seen.


1. (1) The Radikalz- Please don't tell me Lita is going to waste her time on Dean Malenko (unless it is to win his Light Heavyweight Championship).

2. (2) The Hardy Boyz- Hopefully, the Hardyz will keep feuding with the Radikalz, then maybe something interesting can be done with Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko (okay, maybe I'm asking for a little too much). One thing between the Hardyz and the Radikalz there won't be a lot of that unnecessary "talking" stuff.

3. (3) Edge and Christian- I'd like to see these guys go back to wrestling for awhile, instead of just being pratfall artists. Just for awhile, because I think their comedy bits reek of awesomeness.

4. (4) Right To Censor- Here's the problem with Tag Team divisions. Either the team is just starting out, so they haven't had a chance to develop solo careers yet, or they team up too well to be split, or its a collection of soloists who couldn't hack it on their own. Guess which one RTC is?

5. (5) The Dudley Boyz- The Dudleyz are one those they go too well together to be split (so are the Hardyz). They should be higher, given their popularity, but I figure the Tag Team Titles should count for something. No movement in the Top 5 this month.

6. (6) T&A- I've been significantly impressed with Trish's desire to actually learn some wrestling moves. Her job is to look pretty, but she's decided to do more. As for Test and Albert? Did I mention I'm impressed with Trish?

7. (-)Road Dogg and K-Kwik- I bet even Too Cool are in the back snickering at these two. But I will say that Kwik does look like he has some game, even if he does look like the love child of Koko B. Ware.

8. (9) The Hollys- I'm not even sure if these guys are officially a team, but I'm sure they'll team enough for each of them to steal some of Molly's pop.

9. (8) Too Cool- It was a nice run for these two, I'm sure they'll sell a few more T-shirts too.

10. (10) Low Down- Still no picture of Chazz or Tiger Ali Singh. Can you believe WWF.com isn't bragging about these guys? (Meanwhile, I can get images of Kaientai and the Brooklyn Brawler). I think the turban bit is just a little offensive.

Agree? Disagree? Feel free to send me your thoughts.



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