The Computer Graphics Companion Online Edition

Damian Scattergood 1999-2001


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The Computer Graphics Companion. Version 1.0.1

The Computer Graphics Companion By Damian Scattergood © 1999
The Essential Guide to Better Graphics.


Designing a Graphics Engine
Co-ordinate Geometry
2D Matrices
3D Matrices
Turtle Graphics
Additional Sample Code

© 1999 Damian Scattergood MICS

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Welcome to the 'Computer Graphics Companion' Online book. During my time as a graphics programmer I was always searching for a single reference for formulas and algorithms. Something I could have on my Desktop always waiting for that questions ‘How do I draw a circle really quickly?’ or ‘What’s the formula for the area of a hemisphere?’

As a CAD developer I always had this information scribbled in various notebooks. Finally I decided I would put in all Online. A single file could easily have all the data to hand and could be shared with others searching the same answers. Thus was born the ‘Computer Graphics Companion

I've tried to gather as much information as possible on all forms of computer graphic creation along with tips to go that extra bit further to get that little bit more from your computer.

Computer Graphic fundamentals are always the same no matter what type of machine used. The only things that ever change are your display type, the colour palette, etc. The fundamental algorithms for drawing a line or a circle will always remain the same no matter what platform your software runs on. The base element that changes from platform to platform is actually how you write a pixel to the screen. In taking this approach all the information found here is easily transportable to any platform you desire.

Each section of this book contains a variety of information. Firstly each item is described in its mathematical representation, followed by a piece of 'C' code showing its implementation.

I hope that having read this book (Many Times!), you will have the tools to experiment with your computer graphics routines, and create new faster programs using some of the techniques you have learned here. Remember though, creating new algorithms takes time and effort, but is worth it in the end.

Damian Scattergood