Bpath Counter


IRC`s Bot Game

IRC's #1 Bot Game

Game Bots are programs that are online 24/7 - running a game (scramble, trivia, family 100, poker , jackpot and 2 in One Game) in channel, also can use for keeping channel open, making sure takeovers do not happen, making sure OPs can get OPed, With Protection systems (mass Flood, Notice channel, Bad words, Bad nicks, Clone, and some of commands made a bot do some thing such as Abuse Op do to the bot, Automatic Refresh, and etc.) was design by Ha0 in 2001 and many other things. For running this bot game, we use a eggdrop.

For this moment, We can't give FREE provide channel owners. Because some of reason (not enough servers for running a bot). So we Just can service for few channel to running a game and protection's channel. Sorry, For This happend :).

Thank you for visiting today and enjoy your stay!

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