critter country restaurants

mickeyharbour gallery

    At the farthest edge of Critter Country near New Orleans Square in Fowler's Harbor (where the Columbia docks). Right across from the Haunted Mansion.

    Fish food: catfish sandwiches, popcorn shrimp, and other delicacies from the deep.

    Nice atmosphere. It's tucked in to the harbor where you won't find many people. A definite "hidden secret" of Disneyland. NOTE: Seasonally open.

mickeyhungry bear restaurant

    Perched over the Rivers of America as you turn the corner around Splash Mountain. Across from the Briar Patch shop.

    Burgers, chicken sandwiches, fries. Other fried things.

    It's not the food that makes this restaurant great, it's the view of the Rivers of America from the upper deck. You can wave to the people on the Mark Twain or Columbia, watch people load into the canoes, feed the ducks your leftover fries, or see kids playing on Tom Sawyer's Island. And if you're at the northernmost point of the upper eating area, you can watch and feel the train pass by right next to you.

Last Updated: 29 May 2003

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