A sentient saurian race, the Thsier (pronounced "th-SEER") are cold-blooded and partial to the warmer climates of Iersia.  Averaging 1.9 meters tall and 100 kilograms in mass, they are a physically imposing species.  They evolved from a reptile similar to Earth's small meat-eating dinosaurs, although in the past million years they have become omnivores with smaller jawbone features.  They are covered with durable scales which can range in color (virtually all varieties of earth tones).  With modern medicine and a relaxed lifestyle, Thsier can live to be over 750 years old; however, most prefer a much more active lifestyle, so the average life span for a Thsier is around 300 Iersian cycles.


Although dominated by females for thousands of years, Thsier society has recently achieved sexual equality.  Males, while typically weaker, have proven to be just as much a benefit to Thsier society as females.  Having evolved as pack hunters, the Thsier are a very social species and typically uncomfortable without others around.  To many other cultures, they seem a lazy species, often remaining motionless for hours.  Despite this lack of activity, they are also known to be quite emotional (although their emotions are often difficult for other species to identify).  Known more as thinkers than conversationalists, they often prove far more interesting and engaging than first impressions would suggest.  The Thsier are normally quiet yet social creatures, and when they act they are decisive and driven.  While excellent Combat Specs, Thsier also make proficient Tech Ops.  Free Agents and Diplomats are much less common Thsier professions.  Psionic ability (primarily Biokinesis) occurs in around 0.1% of the population, and of those nearly all are talents (only 1% of Thsier with psionic ability are full Mindwalkers).

Special Abilities

Body Armor:  Thsier scales are strong and provide natural protection of d4+1 [LI], d4 [HI], d4-1 [En].

Thsier Fighter:  Most species are quite unfamiliar with Thsier hand-to-hand fighting.  They use not only fists and feet, but also a strong  tail and a skillful (though not overly damaging) bite.  Due to the extra distractions of the swinging tail and snapping bite, a Thsier gains a -1 step bonus on all unarmed attacks against a non-Thsier.  A non-Thsier who possesses the Culture broad skill and specializes in the Thsier with one of his specialty skills negates this bonus if he also possesses the Unarmed Attack broad skill (or Defensive Martial Arts).

Cold-blooded:  Since they are cold-blooded, Thsier can survive much longer without food or water than most other species.  They gain a -3 step bonus on all Survival skill checks in circumstances when food or water are scarce.  However, if Thsier body temperature drops below 10 degrees Centigrade, they becomes torpid and suffer a +1 step penalty on all physical skill checks and a +2 step penalty on all action checks.  For every 5 degrees beyond that, the penalties are cumulative.

Endurant:  Thsier are hearty creatures.  They gain a -1 step bonus on all Constitution feat checks and Stamina-Endurance skill checks.  This benefit is cumulative with the Fortitude perk.


The Thsier were the first sentient race of Iersia.  Various small Thsier civilizations rose and fell in the equatorial regions of Iersia in ancient times, but very early in their history the tribes of sentient saurians joined together to battle the Bakorians, who began to press north into Thseilan (the Thsier word for "Homeland").  Only one tribe refused to join, the Thak ("Redbacks"), and they migrated back toward their territory in Lian sth Kinsth ("Land of Sands").

The centuries of warfare that followed, known as the "Physical Cleansing" among the Thsier, can be described as nothing less than horribly brutal.  Perhaps a billion Thsier died from wounds, disease, and cold while fighting the Bakorians.  Slaughtered generations were replaced by new waves of hatchlings to be sent to their deaths.  When they achieved a technological level comparable with the Earth's Renaissance era, the Thsier officially united under one government.  Even the Thak welcomed the stability and strength of their unified relatives, particularly since the war was beginning to spread to their sandy shores.  By the time the industrial revolution came to Thsier society, the Bakorians had offered peace.  While the truce did not hold the first three times it was agreed to, eventually the Thsier called off their waves of soldiers and a lasting peace was forged with their long-time enemies.   The Thsier at the time never questioned the Bakorian leadership as to why the warm-blooded species finally proposed peace.  Most scholars believe that the Bakorians realized the Thsier would soon overcome the cold climates through technology by building steam engines, allowing them to invade Bakorian lands and conquer them once and for all.

While hatred of the Bakorians lasted well into the Thsier information age, peace was maintained despite the Thsiers' economic and population troubles.  Again, scholars attribute this to masterful diplomacy by the Bakorian emissaries.  So much of the Thsier economy was based on warfare that there was a deep depression while industries shifted to other areas of focus.  At the same time there was a boom in the Thsier population, due primarily to the lack of military losses.  The economy changed in time, and, thanks to new trade with the Bakorians, began expanding.  The population issue was a different story.  Once Thsier population reached 4 billion, the government began to enforce a "fertility denial" program.  Only one of every ten Thsier females is allowed to breed.  They are selected at random from birth, and all others have their reproductive organs removed at that time.  This pratice has continued to the present day, although modern medicine has provided methods to keep Thsier females infertile without invasive surgery.

The Thak:  The only truly different subspecies of Thsier are the Thak ("Redbacks" from their red-brown scales).  Having evolved in an extremely arid and desolate region, this breed of Thsier has extreme benefits and penalties of being cold-blooded (double all bonuses and penalties for the Cold-blooded special ability).  Furthermore, a full 5% of the Thak population are mutants--they have lighter, thinner scales which only provide natural protection of 1 [LI] / 0 [HI] / 1 [En] (no dice rolled), but in return they receive d4 mutation points and d4 drawback points (obviously penalties relating to heat or bonuses relating to cold are not allowed, nor are any other mutations counter to Thsier physiology).  The effects of the advantageous mutations Dermal Reinforcement, Dermal Armor, and Dermal Plating are all increased by an additional +1 [LI] / +0 [HI] / +1 [En] due to their natural scales.  Mutant Thak are typically considered outcasts by Thsier society.

Current Campaigns

Thsier society is very communal and has been so for eons.  Having evolved from pack hunters, they have always worked in
teams and have raised the young as a whole community (this is probably why the "fertility denial" program has been successful).  Most Thsier live in sthafiths ("towns") of around 50,000, usually specializing in one-to-three distinct industries.  This unique, small-society habitation has proven very effective in heading off the massive pollution problems that would have resulted if the huge numbers of Thsier migrated to large cities.

The Thsier of the modern era have built an incredible system of transportation and mass transit.  While few settlements are exceptionally large, they are all connected by high-speed grav-trains which provide easy movement across all continents and, in many cases, even across the seas.  The freedom of individual vehicles never apealed to the Thsier, so few were ever developed by the saurian species.

The Thsier also never developed an organized religion, and they hold no belief in a divine ancient race.  Nearly all of the
mythology of their past revolves around Thsier heroes and their achievements during the "Physical Cleansing".  An historic
earthquake might be recorded as the impact of a Thsier hero who had fallen in battle, his body striking the ground in the frozen south with enough force to shake the whole world.  Today, the Thsier are less warlike and have devoted their attention to artistic, technological, and physical pursuits.

The Thsier "Government of One Thousand" is elected generally democratically.  Each sthafith submits one individual to vote for the town every three Iersian years.  That individual's vote is cast with weight equal to the population of his town, and the thousand candidates with the most support are chosen as the official representatives.  With modern technology the process only takes two or three days.  It is a well-ordered society, and the government's power is rarely questioned.

A standing military has long since passed its usefulness on Iersia, but the Thsier continue to maintain a fairly significant armed force for local and Terdalis-wide problems.  Recent government debate has called for an increase in military preparedness:  the stardrive has opened the door to the universe, and the Thsier want to be ready!

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