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Cub Scout Pack 335 sends our sympathies to those who have been affected by the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia...

February 1, 2003 @ aproximately 9:00 am (EST)

(The picture below is from April 12, 1981. The very first launch of the Space Shuttle Columbia, and the first shuttle to ever go into space.)

"Through you, we feel as giants once again."

--Ronald Reagan, to the crew of Columbia after their completion of the first space shuttle mission on April 14, 1981

A Personal Journey...

October 10, 2000:

It was a spur of the moment thing, but after I got off work, I grabbed the family and took them up to see the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery. After many delays (I think this was the third or fourth attempt to launch the shuttle), it was almost a fluke that it took off the day we went up.

The bank of the lake leading up to the launch pad was filled with people like me trying to catch a glimpse of the shuttle taking off. Truly a phenomenal feat, the sound echoed across the ground as the smoke filled the sky. I remember watching those jets of flame forcing the shuttle higher and higher into the sky and wondering what the astronauts were thinking and feeling at that time.

It was the 100th launch of a space shuttle, and it was truly a spectacular thing to see. I am so glad that I was able to be there to experience a great moment in history, but probably even more so that my boys were there to see it, as well. Something they can tell their grandchildren someday.

The delays also showed how careful NASA has become with the launching of these vehicles.

There's so much talk now as to what really caused the Columbia to break apart only 16 minutes from returning home. Was the debris on take off the cause? Was it something else? Either way, the loss is great. We wish the families and friends of those on board our deepest sympathies. We wish those on board the ability to look down upon us and guide us along the way as we begin to pick up the pieces of a dream that has abruptly been awakened.

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