The Darkest Secret

Prologue: The Killing

A elder lady sat at the head of the council. She was old and withered up. She seemed to shrink, as she grows older. Gathered around her were women about her age within a dozen years of difference. Behind each of the elder was a young girl, all about 14 to 18 years of age. The girl next to her was the oldest. Her long aqua blue hair was pulled back in a lose ponytail at the nape of her neck. The leader spoke up. �My friends, today will be the last day the Ma Sha Ha Tribe will see the sun for they are going to go meet their ancestors. Tonight we will strike. We cannot let any of them live for they might be back to get their revenge. Kill the old, young. Do not let a single baby live.� One of the young girls spoke. �Elder Shi Ai, I do not think it is right to kill the young babies. I would be wrong. They haven�t done anything wrong.� The withered lady, Shi Ai glared at the young girl. �We must kill all. Haven�t you been taught not to give mercy to those that are your enemy? You must kill all that are in the way do you understand, Mi Lin?� The young girl of 14 shrunk away from the woman. �Shi Ai,� The teacher of Mi Lin, Shao Xao, said comfortingly said. �Mi Lin does have a point. If we are able to keep the babies and raise them as our own, it will help with our blood.� She manages not to shrink away when the leader glared at her. �No. If by any small chance that they remember of it then they would want revenge. We have to kill all that have the Power. If anyone disobeys, they will have to face the Challenge and be kicked out of the tribe.� The leader said ending the discussion about killing all of those in the nearby village. ****** A young fifteen year old looked around her. All her friends and family were being brutally killed. The ones how was causing this destruction? They were a group of women who had ice-cold hearts. The girl watched in horror as her young three-month-old cousin was tossed into the air and landed on the hard ground with a sickening thud. The baby couldn�t possibly survive, not a fall from the height she came from. The girl jumped out of the way as a spear missed her by millimeters. She looked at the girl who was attacking her. The girl had long aqua blue hair that was put in a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck. The girl attacked her ruthlessly as she tried to doge out of the way. �Why are you doing this?� She asked in the language she learned when she was younger and knew fluently. �Because all of you deserve to die. You are nothing but a danger to everyone in the world.� The reply was hard and cold, setting shivers down the younger girl�s spine. �What did we ever do to you? We don�t harm anything or anyone, how could you say that we would be a danger to everyone?� The older girl didn�t stop attacking. The dark blue haired girl managed to kick the spear out of the other girl�s hand and sent a kick her way making her fall to the ground with a �umph!� She took the time the other girl used to get back her breath to start running. She looked to the side and saw her father�s head fly away from his body. It slumped to the ground as the head rolled to the side. By some weird chance, his eyes met hers. She knew the look he had in his face. It told her� �Run. Save yourself if you can. Don�t come back just to be killed.� It seemed like her father had somehow got a hold of her body, she started to run away. She came across another girl. She had long dark black hair that blended into the night. The girl attacked her like the other girl had. The dark haired girl grabbed her into a crushing hug that seemed to crush her ribs. �Run! Hide! Don�t come back. Hide or you�ll be killed.� The girl whispered into her ear just before she let go making it look like the girl had hit her in the gut. She fell to the ground imitating she was hurt. The girl looked into her eyes and told her to run. She didn�t know what happened. She started to run she didn�t want to but she did. After what seemed to be like hours she collapsed to the ground unconscious. Luckily, a young man and his friend passed through at that time. He picked her up and looked into his friend�s eye. The message was clear. �we should make camp.� And they did. ******* Silver Dragon: Hey! So how do you like the Prologue? I�m really sorry for not updating earlier but I have a good excuse! The story went through some changes! The way I was writing it gave me a dead end. I�m really sorry for keep on changing it but I�m pretty sure that this will be the last time. I still have to check some grammar and spelling�. You probably know who most of the people are already�. If you don�t? You�ll find out more about it in later chapters okay? ^_^ If you see any mistakes or don�t like or like something E-mail me at kay? I really want to hear from you even if you don�t like it!!! If you want, could you give me some pointers to make the story better????? Please????? :::gives you the puppy dog look with big shinning eyes::: See ya next time!!!!!!! Silver Dragon ^_^

The Darkest Secret

Prologue: The Killing

A elder lady sat at the head of the council. She was old and withered up. She seemed to shrink, as she grows older. Gathered around her were women about her age within a dozen years of difference. Behind each of the elder was a young girl, all about 14 to 18 years of age. The girl next to her was the oldest. Her long aqua blue hair was pulled back in a lose ponytail at the nape of her neck. The leader spoke up. �My friends, today will be the last day the Ma Sha Ha Tribe will see the sun for they are going to go meet their ancestors. Tonight we will strike. We cannot let any of them live for they might be back to get their revenge. Kill the old, young. Do not let a single baby live.�

One of the young girls spoke. �Elder Shi Ai, I do not think it is right to kill the young babies. I would be wrong. They haven�t done anything wrong.� The withered lady, Shi Ai glared at the young girl.

�We must kill all. Haven�t you been taught not to give mercy to those that are your enemy? You must kill all that are in the way do you understand, Mi Lin?� The young girl of 14 shrunk away from the woman.

�Shi Ai,� The teacher of Mi Lin, Shao Xao, said comfortingly said. �Mi Lin does have a point. If we are able to keep the babies and raise them as our own, it will help with our blood.� She manages not to shrink away when the leader glared at her.

�No. If by any small chance that they remember of it then they would want revenge. We have to kill all that have the Power. If anyone disobeys, they will have to face the Challenge and be kicked out of the tribe.� The leader said ending the discussion about killing all of those in the nearby village.


A young fifteen year old looked around her. All her friends and family were being brutally killed. The ones how was causing this destruction? They were a group of women who had ice-cold hearts. The girl watched in horror as her young three-month-old cousin was tossed into the air and landed on the hard ground with a sickening thud. The baby couldn�t possibly survive, not a fall from the height she came from. The girl jumped out of the way as a spear missed her by millimeters. She looked at the girl who was attacking her. The girl had long aqua blue hair that was put in a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck. The girl attacked her ruthlessly as she tried to doge out of the way. �Why are you doing this?� She asked in the language she learned when she was younger and knew fluently.

�Because all of you deserve to die. You are nothing but a danger to everyone in the world.� The reply was hard and cold, setting shivers down the younger girl�s spine.

�What did we ever do to you? We don�t harm anything or anyone, how could you say that we would be a danger to everyone?� The older girl didn�t stop attacking. The dark blue haired girl managed to kick the spear out of the other girl�s hand and sent a kick her way making her fall to the ground with a �umph!� She took the time the other girl used to get back her breath to start running. She looked to the side and saw her father�s head fly away from his body. It slumped to the ground as the head rolled to the side. By some weird chance, his eyes met hers. She knew the look he had in his face. It told her� �Run. Save yourself if you can. Don�t come back just to be killed.�

It seemed like her father had somehow got a hold of her body, she started to run away. She came across another girl. She had long dark black hair that blended into the night. The girl attacked her like the other girl had. The dark haired girl grabbed her into a crushing hug that seemed to crush her ribs.

�Run! Hide! Don�t come back. Hide or you�ll be killed.� The girl whispered into her ear just before she let go making it look like the girl had hit her in the gut. She fell to the ground imitating she was hurt. The girl looked into her eyes and told her to run. She didn�t know what happened. She started to run she didn�t want to but she did. After what seemed to be like hours she collapsed to the ground unconscious.

Luckily, a young man and his friend passed through at that time. He picked her up and looked into his friend�s eye. The message was clear. �we should make camp.� And they did.


Silver Dragon: Hey! So how do you like the Prologue? I�m really sorry for not updating earlier but I have a good excuse! The story went through some changes! The way I was writing it gave me a dead end. I�m really sorry for keep on changing it but I�m pretty sure that this will be the last time. I still have to check some grammar and spelling�.

You probably know who most of the people are already�. If you don�t? You�ll find out more about it in later chapters okay? ^_^

If you see any mistakes or don�t like or like something E-mail me at <[email protected]> kay? I really want to hear from you even if you don�t like it!!! If you want, could you give me some pointers to make the story better????? Please????? :::gives you the puppy dog look with big shinning eyes:::

See ya next time!!!!!!!

Silver Dragon ^_^

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