Team Force Martial Arts
Dan Members
Miss Victoria Rich - First Dan

Victoria began her training W/ Master Brown at the YWCA and tested for her 1st Dan in March 0f 2003, she continues to train, and hopes to test for her second Dan.
Mr. Steven Shaker - FIRST DAN

Steven began his Martial Arts training at the age of 6  with Master Gary Brown, training at the YWCA. Steven tested for and earned his 1st Dan in March of 2002 at the age of 9, He has won numerous trophies in countless tournaments, even acheiving "Grand Champion" status in 1999
Steven continues to train hard and hopes to test for his second Dan in 2003.
Scott D. Shaker - Second Dan

Scott began his training  with Nam Kim of the World Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Fed. as a youth reaching 7th gup. As an adult he stasrted over W/ Master Brown and earned his 1st Dan in March of 2002.  Scott has competed in and organized several karate  tournaments and has attended seminars in various techniques to improve his Martial arts skills.
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