Sea Cucumber Quiz


1)What is the Phylum that Sea Cucumbers belong to?
A)Molluca C) Cnadaria B)Echonodermata D) Sea Cucumbers

2) What colour are the California Sea Cucumbers?
A) Orangy-Brown C) Yellow Green B) White and Hairy D) Green

3) In what part of the world are Sea Cucumbers used for food?
A) Europe C) Mexico B) Far East D) Canada

4) What is the Genus name of the California Sea Cucumber?
A) Fishy C) Vegetable B) Cucumber D) Parastichopus Californianus

5) What is the biological Significance of the Sea Cucumbers?
A) Providers C)Anesetically Pleasing B) Producers B)For Marine Biologist to study

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