Elphaba costumes
Act Two
There's no place like home . . .
Act Two brings a lot of changes for our green heroine . . . the best of which is a fabulous new look! Gone are the frumpy duds, and in their place is one of the most complex, multi-layered and beautiful costumes I've ever seen! Weighing in at around 40 pounds and costing around $40K to produce, Elphie's Act Two costume is pretty impressive!
Ana Gasteyer and Kate Reinders.
Even after seeing this costume up close, some of the details still elude me! The bodice is quilted with red, green and black iridescent fabrics in a pattern that almost resembles willow leaves or even flames, perhaps. The leaf-shaped pieces start at the bottom corner of the bodice and trail up. Over all of this is a complex overlay of black laces, again quilted to give a three-dimensional effect. The red and green are only glimpsed through the lace.
Kristy Cates as Elphaba.
Stephanie J Block
As the picture on the left shows, bodice is also beautifully de-constructed, with raw edges and frayed strings coming off of it. You can also see the "wings"; two cape pieces that attach at the arm and trail to the floor. They do not cover the back of the gown.
The bodice sparkles everywhere, from the thousands of hand sewn beads throughout. Without these details, a dark gown like this would disappear onstage!
This is one of the better pictures i've seen of the skirt; most photos do not do it justice! It is tulip-shaped, flaring to a perfect circle at the knee, as evidenced by its fullness when Elphie dances with the Wizard during "Wonderful". Over what is no doubt a pretty sturdy base, row after row of ruched ruffles are applied, most in black, but a few in red or green, keeping with the colors in the bodice.
As if this wasn't enough, you can see from the picture that the rows of ruching are again not perfectly straight; rows loop over the hips almost like panniers, and anotherin the back and front, like an apron and a bustle, before finally descending to straight ruffles to the hem.The costume is one piece, of course, and closes up the back.
Kristen Chenoweth's last performance as Glinda.
Here's another shot that shows how full and textured the skirt is!
Curtain call with Kristen and Idina.
Look at the colors and texture on the bodice!
Last updated 12/29/2006
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