Fiyero costumes
How do you play third-wheel to one of the greatest friendships in musical history? Originally, the story was to feature Fiyero and Elphaba's love affairmore prominantly, but in workshops the dynamic in the show shifted to highlight a different relationship in the play: Elphaba and Glinda. Does Fiyero survive the shift? I think he does pretty well! Who could blame the girls for fighting over him . . .
There's no place like home . . .
Fiyero's Shiz Uniform
Fiyero's arrival at Shiz definitely signals a change in the wind; it is not his white pants (which are much-maligned by the actors playing the role) and brown riding boots that set him apart from the other students, but his red vest and white shirt with the sleeves carelessly rolled up. No one dresses that way at Shiz; lots of butooned-up collars and ties! His tux at the Ozdust Ballroom sets him apart too: in a sea of black and white, it is maroon!
Fiyero dons a more standard uniform in the scene with the lion cub rescue: his vest  has the zig-zag pattern evident in most other Shiz costumes; the jacket is edged in a lighter blue, and the lower edge of the vest shows the show's trademark asymmetry.
Joey McIntyre as Fiyero.
Fiyero's Act Two Costumes
Act Two sees Fiyero looking pretty buttoned-up; several months have passed, and he's Captain of the Guard now. The uniform is green, naturally, but the insignia and badges across the front are asymmetrical and alternate with gold, silver, and bronze. The crosshatching on them seem reminiscent of straw!
In the Forest, Fiyero finally gets to shed his restrictive uniform coat, and roll his sleeves up again!
Derrick Williams as Fiyero on Broadway.
Norbert Leo Butz as Fiyero. Notice the "Oz" belt buckle; all the soldiers have them.
Fiyero as the Scarecrow
I don't have a better picture right now, unfortunately, but anyone who sees the show notices that as the Scarecrow, Fiyero wears his Captain of the Guard uniform, distressed a great amount! Most of the imsignia patches have been ripped off, leaving rough edges and peeks of straw behind. The lower edhe of the jacket is frayed, and the black leather belt has been replaced with a rope. It's still Fiyero, only a little rough around the edges!
Last updated 1/4/2007
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