Shiz costumes
For being located near such a green city, Shiz is certainly very blue! Blue-and-white is the color combination for the school uniforms, but never have I seen crazier uniforms in my life! Whether its the jackets just a little too short, the lacing detaiil up the back, or the kooky, zig-zagging stripes over everything; these uniforms never bore the eye!
There's no place like home . . .
No two uniforms are alike, so there's lots of room for improvisation with these costumes. Recurring themes: piped, edged coats, zig-zagging stripes, and assymetrical hems on pleated skirts. There's even one man that wears a skirt over a pair of pants (who said Ozians aren't progressive!)
One more detail not immediately apparent in these pics: interesting shoes! Everyone wears a different pair, and they're often paired with brightly-colored socks or tights. Boots and shoes in red, yellow, or green provide a pop of color to relieve the blue-and-white scheme.
Nessa looks here as though she is trying a Galinda imitation, but coming in second; her pink dress is like a designer knock-off, and not quite as brilliant as Galinda's frothy masterpiece of ruffles! It is as though the designer is telling us that no matter how hard Nessa tries, she'll never measure up to Galinda, especially in Boq's eyes.
The Company's Ozdust Ballroom costumes are unrelievedly black and white, but so full of pattern and texture that they'll never be boring. I'll try to find a better picture of these!
A quick side note on Boq: his costumes are mostly designed to highlight how short he is(he is a Munchkin, after all), with pants that hit above the ankle and jackets that don't quite reach the waist. His suit for the scene in the Ozdust Ballroom is also rather metallic in a bronze taffeta, foreshadowing his later transformation at Nessa's hands!
Last updated 1/9/07
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