Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club         Southeastern Caribbean Bird Alert         Trinidad and Tobago Rare Bird Committee
Website managed by:
Floyd Hayes
Department of Biology, Pacific Union College
1 Angwin Ave., Angwin, CA 94508, USA

E-mail: [email protected]

Last updated on 09 November 2006
hits since website created on 16 October 2001
Possible 1st-year Kelp Gull, 1st-summer Laughing Gull and adult Kelp Gull at Waterloo, Trinidad, 10 July 2000  � Graham White
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Welcome to the Southeastern Caribbean Birds Photo Gallery. Sponsored by the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club in association with the Southeastern Caribbean Bird Alert and the Trinidad and Tobago Rare Bird Committee, the purpose of this gallery is to archive documentary photographs representing significant distriubtional records of rare birds in the southeastern Caribbean region (Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago) and to provide further information on identification of the region's birds. It is not intended to provide photographs of all species occurring within the region. The taxonomy follows the American Ornithologists' Union's Check-list of North American Birds, 7th edition (1998).

We invite birders and ornithologists to submit their photographs to us for presentation in the gallery. Please note that ALL photographs are copyrighted by the photographer and may not be used without the written consent of the photographer, who may be contacted at the addresses provided in the link below.

To submit photographs, suggestions, opinions, corrections or queries, please contact the website manager at the bottom of this page.

Please note that observations of rare or unusual birds anywhere within the Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago should be reported to the following individuals:

     Martyn Kenefick, compiler of
Southeastern Caribbean Bird Alert: 36 Newalloville Ave., San Juan, Trinidad
          and Tobago; e-mail:
[email protected]
     Robert Norton, compiler of West Indies Region, a quarterly report in
North American Birds: 8960 NE Waldo
          Road, Gainesville, FL 32608, USA; e-mail:
[email protected]

GEOGRAPHIC INDEX to photographs

Virgin Islands                    St. Martin             Guadeloupe         Marie Galante         Dominica  

St. Lucia            St. Vincent            Barbados       Trinidad and Tobago

Photographic essays of challenging identification problems

BIZARRE BIRDS [click here]
Photographs of mystery birds, abnormally plumaged birds, deformed birds or bizarre bird mortalities

09 Nov 06: Guadeloupe: Mystery martin
05 Jan 06:   Cura�ao:
Mystery shorebird
19 Jul 05:    Trinidad:
Mystery Hawk
21 Dec 03:  Guadeloupe: Corn Crake
Eurasian Kestrel
09 Jul 03:    Virgin Islands: unusual Audubon's Shearwater, additional Sandwich � Cayenne Tern
Alpine Swift
24 Jun 03:   Virgin Islands: additional Black-crowned Night-Heron, additional Sandwich � Cayenne Tern,
White-winged Dove
08 Jun 03:   Virgin Islands: additional
Least Grebe, Black-crowned Night-Heron, additional Green-winged Teal,
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
Cape May Warbler
03 Jun 03:   Identification Essay: additional
Sandwich Tern and Cayenne Tern
                  Virgin Islands: additional leucistic
Zenaida Dove
31 May 03:  Identification Essay:
Sandwich Tern and Cayenne Tern
26 May 03:  Virgin Islands:
Striated Heron
25 May 03:  Virgin Islands: Purple Gallinule, White-winged Dove, leucistic Zenaida Dove, leucistic Bananaquit
                  Trinidad: oiled
Cattle Egret
Yellow-breasted Crake
22 May 03:  Virgin Islands:
Greater Flamingo, leucistic Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Scarlet Tanager
Dominica: Yellow-throated Vireo
Trinidad: Greater Flamingo
02 Mar 03:  St. Martin: Yellow-rumped Warbler
                  Marie Galante:
Cape May Warbler
comments on Manx Shearwater
                  Trinidad: '
Mystery Gull' with comments, additional Variegated Flycatcher
09 Feb 03:   Dominica:
Cory's Shearwater, Manx Shearwater
02 Feb 03:   Virgin Islands: additional Least Grebe, American Black Duck, Northern Shoveler,
Green-winged Teal
26 Jan 03:   Identification Essay: additional
American Coot and Caribbean Coot
                  Virgin Islands: additional
Least Grebe
                  St. Martin:
Sora, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush
24 Jan 03:   St. Martin:
Tricolored Heron, Northern Shoveler, Lesser Scaup, Red-breasted Merganser,
Eurasian Collared-Dove, Chuck-will's-widow, Yellow Warbler
Wood Sandpiper

PHOTOGRAPHERS [click here]

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