Keepers of the Peace
Leia Organa Solo
Star Wars
It's the" X" baby!!
Fan Links
Quotes and...junk
Chicago Game
Hey and welcome to Divine Influence. This is a little ditty dedicated to various thrills, as you can see. No specific topic; just randon randomness. So enjoy and don't forget to sign the guestbook! Thanks :-)

March 19, 2008
So I check my email today and find a friendly reminder from Yahoo that I haven�t updated my Geocities site in a VERY LONG TIME and that if I�d like to keep my site, I need to update it IMMEDIATELY.
By the looks of things around here looks like my plans to learn html didn�t pan out so well.
What am I doing at this very moment? I�m watching Conan, working on Physics� problems (F=ma!), and leveling up on My Heroes Ability (whoo arrival of Facebook).

September 16, 2004
Since my last update in April, I graduated from high school, am now in college 'oo-la-la', my birthday past- I'm now legal and can buy lotto tickets and ciggs, I wear contacts, and the Java HTML Launch is working for me again. For page updates I'm going to be using that option for all other pages besides this one. Why? Feel like it. A little while ago I fixed up the fan links page. Changed some and deleted some links. Live long and prosper until we meet again.

April 9, 2004
Hey hey, I'm sort of etting the hang of this html stuff. Last night I was tinking around with the text and all of a sudden I had 3 columns and pictures strewn all over the screen. A moment of panic came and went throug the late night hours. So this afternoon I came back want a another piece of this, tinkered around so more, and voila - since column with pictures more aligned than before. To quote a scruffy smuggler "Yee-hoo!"

April 8, 2004
Hmm, I've been afraid to use the basic HTML editor program to update this site. I have no idea about all these initials for different settings and whatnot. I'm used to the Java HTML Launch program where one only has upload and paste, shifting around images or text using the arrow, not this br, center, font junk. I truly envy those who can understand this html script. Perhaps one day I will revel with you, but for now that a glimmer of a hope. Oh well, back to pondering why I can't use the Java launcher on my computer anymore...

July 18, 2003 <PM>
I have now become the driving force of a mad-woman's quest. I am the Samantha to Beth's Mulder. Earlier this morning, in the 2am timeframe, me and Beth casted ourselves and others into the X-Files.
Stephanie-Samantha Mulder
Bethany- Fox Mulder
Alma- Dana Scully
Nicole-Monica Reyes :-D!!
Crystal- John Dogget
Jessica Gomez- Walter Skinner
Ms. Cump- CSM lol
Ms. Wille- WMM :)
Kelli- Krycek
and Ellen, Nicole, Crystal as Frohicke, Byers, and Langly.
I wish I didn't end up dead though.

July 18, 2003 <AM>
I'm watching a Conan rerun...and Copperfield is a cruel, cruel man. Bringing these crazy hazing props. Conan's a patient man: getting squirted, getting smacked in the ass, twice, and then being flipped over while sitting in a chair, with Copperfield laughing the whole time lol. You could hear Conan grtting his teeth. But at least Conan burned Copperfield's ass, literally.

July 13, 2003
I really don't like Monday, the X-Files episode. Well I do, it's a good story and concept, but I always have trouble beginning to watch it. Knowing that Mulder, Scully and the rest of the hostages are just going to be killed over and's definitely a downer. But the episode pulls itself around <for me at least> when the characters process what's going on with the deja vu-ness.

"Monday, Monday, so good to me
Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday mornin', couldn't guarantee
That Monday evenin' you would still be here with me."

July 10, 2003
The mouse is really getting on my nerves again. Yesterday I had written up a whole bunch of stuff on this webpage, then the mouse froze and I wasn't able to save anything. doh-eth.
I love Amanda lol.
Me: what does it say about your cheese lol
Amanda:"You represent love and compassion. You would rather hang out on a nice crispy salad then hang with the other cheeses. You are just too cool, until you get eaten, that." You?
Me: "Sharp Chedder cheese. You are sharp cheddar. You are smart cheese. You have a bit of tang and are very fun to be around. Yep thats it"
Me: you're snobby cheese lol ;)
Amanda: you're braniac cheese LOL
Me: LOL ...sigh I love cheese
Mandi: OMG!!! I F***ING LOVE CHEESE!!!
Me: :-D
Mamdi: :-D
Viva La Queso!

July 6, 2003
Lets start off with a Happy 4th of July to everybody. I've been trying to get my website updated, but the mouse/cursor always konks out or the screen freezes, leaving me damaging my mouse somewhat. As a matter of fact, the mouse works a little better now lol.
My trip to California was fun. I know that sounds like the norm of any trip you go on and I agree. My time there was a lot of fun and I hope to go back to Los Angeles again too. The only problem was that I didn't have anyone to talk to. Sure I went with my mom and stayed with reltaives, too bad though they were all talking in Filipino though. I couldn't understand a word they were saying! I felt so left out, and its not entirely fun having someone point to you while they're talking in another language. It's very suspicious and pretty rude. Oh well! whatcha gonna do about it? Other then that setback, we also went to see Las Vegas and Disneyland. lol too very different atmospheres lol. Nevada is a very beautilful state. Maybe its the state's barren terrain of just ridges and rocky cliffs, but I thought that Nevada was prettier than the parts of Cali that I saw. < Every house had the same shingles. sheesh ;) kidding> Too bad we couldn't go to Nellis Air Force base ...or to Area 51. Now that would have been a vacation!! I sense a roadtrip coming up to the southwest :)
Let's see...what else has happened?..Well on Wednesday, I went to go see Legally Blonde 2 with mi amiga. We had seen the first movie together so this was a nice rounding off of the Witherspoon movie-chain. On Thursday, I went to the Taste of Chicago. Nothing like stuffing your face with different foods all on the strip. I gotta say thanks and "good job man" to Jaci for getting us on the first train out of the Loop. Ha ha to all the people who were milling around the crowded streets waiting to get on a train or bus. <I mean this in good fun> It's been a good week...or well good couple of weeks. Everyday should be a CAR- NI-VAL!!

June 21, 2003
Yesterday, I
finally saw Tracy and Amanda since school ended. It was like talking to some strangers. We went to this coffee shop in Willow Springs, where <crazy factoid> Resurrection Mary is said to also visit. Who is Resurrection Mary you ask? She was a young woman on her way to the O'Henry Ballroom, now Williowbrook, where she got into an argument with her boyfriend. From this argument, she hitchhiked her way to the Ballroom between 8900 Archer Ave. and Resurrection Cemetery on 7600 Archer Ave. Between these two places she was killed by a hit-and-run. Since the 1930s people have reported seeing a yound woman in a long white dress with blond hair hitchhiking for rides along Archer Ave, ...And in all my time going to Resurrection Cemetery to visit relatives I have never seen any ghost-girl walking around the cemetery or down Archer Ave...But like a was saying before, we went to this coffee shop where up stair were poetry readings and just whatever you're pissed off at the moment moments. Good times. Good times. They have some good ham and cheese samwiches there ;)
What's going on next week? Well let me tell ya, I'm going to California baby! Ho Yah!

June 14, 2003
Whoa brand spanking new look! Went with a little summer,hot, "ice cold fanta, make it stop" atmosphere. Even though its not that hot <at all> in Chicago. One can dream. Lots of warm hues...ah my eyes! But hey, thats what summer is all about: being blinded by the sun on car surfaces and such. Party on guys and hopefully we'll <meaning I> get this layout complete thoughout the whole site without Geocities going crazy on me. :)
By the way,
Fanta is the product of the wonderful Coca Cola company. <plugs for merchandise?>
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