Gabriel 'Gabe' Jones
Alias: None
Status: Active
Rank: Special Field Officer (L-4)
Specialties: Field Operative,  Administration, Agent Training

Personal Bio Data

Place of Birth- New York City
Marital Status: Married

Known Relatives
Wife: Carla Williams (also known as Carla Swain)
Uncle: Bill
Nephew: Phil Leonard



Avengers (1): 72, 325
Captain America (1):173, 175, 181-188, 191, 273-274, 351
Captain America (3): 20-21
Captain America/Nick Fury: The Otherworld War
Deathlok (1): 20
Dr. Strange (2): 51
Fantastic Four Annual: 3
Gambit (2): 10
Godzilla King of Monsters: 1-24
Invincible Iron Man (1): 1, 16, 35
Incredible Hulk (2): 199, 297-300, 434
Incredible Hulk (3): 107
Incredible Hercules: 115
Invaders (1): 35
Marvel Comic Presents: 77-79
Micronaunts: 26-29
Nick Fury, Agent Of SHIELD (1): 7, 12-15
Nick Fury, Agent Of SHIELD (2): 8, 21, 25-27, 42, 45-47
Nick Fury Vs SHIELD: 1-6
Sgt Fury & His Howling Commandos: 1-167

Strange Tales (1): 137-141, 143, 149,
151-159, 167
Tales of Suspense (1): 98
World War Hulk: 2

Appearance Highlights

Sgt Fury & His Howling Commandos #1
First appearance 

Sgt Fury & His Howling Commandos #56
While trapped behind enemy lines, meets jazz singer Carla Swain, whom he eventually marries after the war 

Sgt Fury & His Howling Commandos #90
Gabe is chained to a racist Nazi.

Sgt Fury & His Howling Commandos #117
Searches London for an old band mate afflicted with a deadly Nazi virus.

Strange Tales (1) #137
First appearance as SHIELD agent.

Godzilla King of Monsters #3
Made second in command of the Godzilla Strike Force

Captain America (1) #175
Is undercover in the Secret Empire as Agent 68

Nick Fury: Agent Of SHIELD (2) #7
Returns to SHIELD after brief retirement.

The Incredible Hulk (2) #434
Attends Nick Fury's funeral

Cover Appearances
Captain America (1) #273
Godzilla: King of Monsters #19 
Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD (2) #29

Sgt Fury & His Howling Commandos: 22, 41, 81, 87, 97, 99-102, 109, 117, 119, 122, 133, 144, 146, 149, 152-153

Notable Alternate Appearances
What If...(1): 14

Non-Narrative Appearances
Handbook of the Marvel Universe (1): 10,13

Handbook of the Marvel Universe 2004: Golden Age
The Marvel Encyclopedia (DK) 2006

An accomplished jazz trumpeter at an early age, Gabriel Jones grew up in New York City, spending his youth playing at his uncle Bill's jazz club in upper Manhattan . Winning local acclaim, Jones was exceptionally lucky in receiving coaching in trumpet playing from the legendary Louis Armstrong himself. Jones also gained another teacher in Danny "Drummer" Bellaman, a Harlem-born jazz musician, playing drums. The pair became fast friends, playing nightclubs gigs. Army Intelligence took note of both men joining the war effort. Jones' interest in music gained the attention of the top brass and the Army sent him to a high specialty school where he became an expert in German classical music.

Despite segregation in the armed forces, Jones found himself hand picked by Captain "Happy" Sam Sawyer to enlist in the First Attack Squad, aka the famous Howling Commandos lead by Nick Fury. Jones distinguished himself both with the music of machine guns and his handy trumpet, which he used to jazz countless Howler parties in the barracks and to unusual and effective use in battle.

With the Howlers, Jones faced some of the Nazi's worst menaces, including Baron Zemo, Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker, and Colonel Klaue. Such were the Howling Commandos feared by the Third Reich, a counter squad of elite fighters, the Blitzkrieg Squad was formed, and among their number,
the flute playing machine gunner, Otto, was designated Gabe Jones' nemesis.

Jones was reunited with his old band mate, Danny Bellaman near the end of the war under less then happy circumstances
; selected to find his old friend who was holding a Nazi virus
. Held as a POW, Bellerman escaped with the virus but rather then let either side take it, Bellerman swallowed the formula and when Jones found him was already dying.

Jones was engaged to marry Carla Williams, whom he had met during World War II when she was performing as a nightclub singer under the name Carla Swain. Jones was assigned to rescue her from Nazi-occupied Paris, and he and the Howlers saved her life from a Nazi officer.

Following World War II Jones presumably continued his career as a jazz musician until he reenlisted for the Korean War, once again seeing combat as a Howling Commando with his former team mates.

After the Korean War, its unclear what Jones was doing just prior to joining SHIELD, however once he was in, Jones became one of Fury's closest aides, assisting him in running the entire organization and acting as an operative on major missions. Jones's most celebrated solo assignment was his infiltration of the first subversive organization known as the Secret Empire, which he succeeded in defeating, from within. Jones served at the front lines of many of SHIELD's early battles with the likes of HYDRA, A.I.M., the Maggia, the villainous duo of Mentallo and the Fixer and many other foes. Jones also came to know many of the world's heroes, including the Fantastic Four, Iron Man and of course Captain America, whom he first met during World War II.

For a time Jones was also romantically involved with Peggy Carter, a former member of the French Resistance. Meeting during the war, Carter and Jones were reunited when both served a SHIELD agents in the 1970s.
As the decade wore on, Jones was placed on special assignment with Dum Dum and Jimmy Woo aboard the helicarrier Behemoth IV to retrieve and capture the creature known as Godzilla. Jones was second-in-command of the task force, named 'Godzilla Strike Force', a job he performed with considerable reluctance as he personally felt a less aggressive strategy was needed to stop the giant creature. Jones was pleased to see Godzilla return to the sea unharmed.

In 1988 as SHIELD self destructed as a result of the Deltite Affair, Jones was one of the few agents who escaped unscathed and together with Dum Dum tried to investigate the goings-on that lead to their commander to go on the run. After the Deltite Affair, Jones retired and went into business running paint ball games in New England. 

He rejoined SHIELD in 1990 in order to help train the new crop of recruits as a favor to Nick Fury. While SHIELD operated for a time as a small strike force, Jones acted as personnel officer, selecting hundreds of new recruits from the various covert US government organizations. Jones personally trained these new agents himself.

Sadly, the first graduating class of 1,500 agents were massacred by HYDRA, a surprise attack Jones witnessed from the helicarrier. Jones then stayed on through the final battle with Strucker in Iceland afterwards settling into retirement yet again.

Gabe Jones was among those present at Fury's 'funeral' along with former SHIELD and Howling Commando teammates.

Other Appearances

Nick Fury, Empyre by Will Murray

Ron Canada as Gabriel Jones
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD (tv movie)

The Incredible Hulk (animated)

Gabe Jones was Marvel Comics first ongoing regular black character, predating The Black Panther.

Although Gabe Jones served as a member of the Howling Commandos during WWII; in truth, US forces were still segregated at the time.

Marvel Comics received death threats from the KKK following the continued publication of Sgt Fury & His Howling Commandos due to the inclusion of Gabe Jones.

Gabe Jones' role in the new SHIELD is reported in Marvel : 1990, The Year in Review

Actor Thom Barry voiced Gabe Jones in the 1996-97 Incredible Hulk animated series.

Gabe Jones featured as one of the figures in the Heroclix game, Infinity Challenge. (thanks to John Humphlett)

Gabriel Jones was a daily password used at the Triskileon in the novel, The Ultimates: The Tomorrow Men. He is mentioned as being Nick Fury's parent's favorite jazz musician.

Gabe Jones is also a password Nick Fury uses in the video game Marvel Ultimate Alliance.


Last Updated 05/03/08

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