Alexander Goodwin Pierce
Anthony Duranti

Status: Active (?)
Rank: Agent
Field Operative, Weapons Specialist, Accounting, Pilot

Personal Bio Data

Place of Birth-unknown
Marital Status: Single upon death

Known Relatives
Father - name unknown
Mother - name unknown



Captain America (1): 420
Damage Control (2): 4

Daredevil (1): 298, Annual #7
Deathlok (Ltd Series): 3-4
Deathlok (1): 12, 21
(Marvel UK) Motormouth: 1, 3-6
Nick Fury: Agent Of SHIELD  (2): 1-10, 12-20, 22-23, 25-30, 43, 45-47
Nick Fury Vs SHIELD:  3-6
The Punisher Annual: 4
The Punisher: POV: 3 
X-Force: 20-22

Appearance Highlights
Nick Fury Vs SHIELD #3
First appearance
Nick Fury: Agent Of SHIELD (2) #13
Kidnapped and brainwashed by Madame Hydra

Cover Appearances
Marvel Age: 77
Nick Fury Vs SHIELD #3
Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD (2) #1-4, 12, 13-17, 27

Non-Narrative Appearances
Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89: 7
Marvel Age: 77

Other Appearances

Neil Roberts as
Alexander Goodwin Pierce
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD (tv movie)  

Content as a "sleeper" agent working in an accounting department, Alexander Goodwin Pierce's life would take a sharp turnaround when Nick Fury barged into his life while on the run during the Deltite Affair.

Pierce came out the SHIELD Academy a qualified top caliber field agent, majoring in integrated civilian surveillance and decoding high level HYDRA dispatches. However he receded into the 'sleeper' status and was living practically a civilian life in the Soho district of Manhattan when he was drafted into Fury's efforts to reclaim his organization from the vast conspiracy eating away at SHIELD.

Pierce's idealism and belief in SHIELD made him the perfect match for Fury in this trying time. After some transition time, Pierce quickly shed pounds and even displayed a killer instinct that world spell consequences for the future. Driven by a desire to live up to his potential, Pierce launched a mad frontal attack on the HYDRA base commanded by the Hong Kong Supreme Hydra, Madame Viper. His bravura was such that Viper's warped warrior code ignited a bizarre obsession with him.

Following the hearings in the aftermath of the Deltite Affair and the demise of the agency, Pierce was assigned as custodian to SHIELD Central. During this time, Pierce began receiving love letters from Viper, who was incarcerated. These notes left him psychologically scarred, believing himself capable of horrible things. Pierce was never aware of the last Delta LMD, Red, had escaped the SHIELD satellite and hidden herself in the abandoned complex.

After attacks by the Death’s Head Commandos, former SHIELD agent the Contessa Valentina Allegro De Fontaine and Al MacKenzie called on Pierce to learn of where Fury was. Afraid that Fury would be next on their list, Pierce joined their party in seeking out Fury. Following their mission, Val helped convince Nick Fury to return and lead a new SHIELD, and Pierce was among the first agents in the new agency. The early months of this stripped down and smaller scale SHIELD placed Pierce in direct combat with several villains, including Leviathan and Lohan.

The escape of Viper from prison ignited Pierce's awkward feelings for the femme fatale. Pierce was kidnapped and subsequently brainwashed by Viper, who was part of a new HYDRA lead by the Yellow Claw. Pierce broke the conditioning and watched the Viper explode herself.

As the new SHIELD grew, Pierce became one of its most viable operatives, seen in actions involving Deathlok, the Punisher, Damage Control, and the rouge mutant team, X-Force. The return of Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker and HYDRA's massacre of 15,000 graduating SHIELD agents struck a serious blow to the agency and Pierce was among the lead operatives in the new fight against HYDRA.

Standing as one of SHIELD's best operatives, Pierce harbored a fierce loyalty to Fury, to whom he owed his new leash on life.

His present whereabouts and condition are unknown.


Last Updated 12/21/04

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