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©2000 JMcChick

The characters, names,
and places in Sailor
Moon, both the
manga and the anime,
belong to Naoko Takeuchi,
Kodansha Comics, DIC, and

News as of: 02/26/00

My it's been way too long since I updated this page!  A New Season of Sailor Moon (Stars) will begin this summer in June!  In any event, that's good news for all you anime fans! 

For those of you keeping tabs on the works of Crystal Heart, we'll see no more chapters of any of her stories until summer at the earliest.  She's busy with college (BOY, do I know what that is like!!)

Lianne Sentar, famous author of the Sailor Moon Novels, has finished her Usagi and Mamoru epic.  I think she's an excellent writer and I have enjoyed reading her stories.  I was a bit disappointed by the ending however.  The chapters got shorter and shorter as time went by and I thought that a lot of the details and quality that made her stories so good were missing. Still, it wasn't bad by any means, it was just mediocre in comparison with her other works.

Finally, I'm announcing the opening of a GW site that I created for the members of Save Relena Peacecraft.  WAIT!  STOP!  I know what you're thinking.  Many people can't stand Relena.  Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but maybe the info presented there will change your mind.  It also has lots of mp3's and images! sure to check it out.  To do so, click here.

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